IELTS task 2: Children are more successful in foreign language studies than adults
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Some people think children are more successful in foreign language studies than adults.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


     It is believed that children are more successful foreign language learners than the grown-ups. From my own perspective, I firmly agree with that statement, despite some arguments against it.

            On the one hand, some people claim that adults learn foreign languages faster than children for a number of reasons. For instance, as most adults have learned a different language when they were young, they fully grasp the useful methods and reliable teaching centers. Unlike children who can easily be confused by the grammar and the vocabulary, adults have the experiences to avoid such problems. In addition, adults are more dedicated to learning languages, as they are aware of the purposes and the prices they have to pay. This kind of thought is rare among children, since they are more naughty and inattentive.

             On the other hand, the advocates, including myself, raise arguments support the opposite idea. Firstly, children are genetically quicker learners with the ability to absorb knowledge more rapidly. According to researchers, children at the age of three are capable of mastering up to four languages simultaneously, thanks to the development of their brain. Secondly, daily works and chores are the major factors which distract adilts from further education, whereas children’s only duty is to study and gain knowledge. Last but not least, nowadays young students receive foreign language education much earlier compared to their parents; therefore the fact that they pick up more languages at a faster pace is apparent.

            In conclusion, I would like to reitarate that I concur with the idea children are more successful when it comes to learning foreign languages because they are given more opportunities and are naturally more suitable.


Cảm ơn mọi người :)

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   It is believed that children are more successful foreign language learners than the grown-ups. From my own perspective, I firmly agree with that statement, despite some arguments against it.

1. Khi viết văn Tiếng Anh không cần lùi đầu dòng đâu bạn nhé. Bạn chỉ cần chú ý mỗi đoạn cần cách nhau 1 dòng là được rồi nhé.

2. Khi mở đầu bằng "It is" thì mình prefer bạn dùng các từ đằng sau như "It is true that/widely acknowlegdes/commonly acclaimed that...." chứ "believed" vẫn được nhưng k đọc k hay lắm, như kiểu dập khuôn ý văn phong k đc tự nhiên.

3. Ngoài ra mở bài của bạn cựC OK nhé. Mình rất chuộng văn phong viết như thế này, nó làm người đọc chú ý phần thân hơn.

24 points
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 On the one hand, some people claim that adults learn foreign languages faster than children for a number of reasons. For instance, as most adults have learned a different language when they were young, they fully grasp the useful methods and reliable teaching centers (chỗ này k hợp lý lắm tại "grasp reliable teaching centers" k có nghĩa). (Mà tại sao chưa có lập luận gì mà đã có ví dụ, cậu ghi có nhiều lý do thì lý do cái này là gì ???)

Unlike children who can easily be confused by the grammar and the vocabulary, adults have the -> different experiences (thêm ví dụ chỗ này) to avoid such problems. In addition, adults are more dedicated to learning languages, as they are aware of the purposes and the prices they have to pay. This kind of thought is rare among children, since they are more naughty and inattentive.( 2 câu cuối bị trùng kiểu câu, cậu nên thay đỏi cho phong phú bài viết và tăng cao band grammar nhé)


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Cảm ơn bạn nhiều nhé :)
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     It is (commonly) believed (bc neveryone is agree you know) that children are more successful foreign language learners than the grown-ups. From my own perspective, I firmly agree with that statement, despite some arguments against it.

            On the one hand, some people claim that adults learn foreign languages faster than children for a number of reasons. For instance, as most adults have learned a different language when they were young, they fully grasp ("adopt" should be a better word to use here)  the useful methods and reliable teaching centers (teaching centers have no connection with "grasp" or "adopt"). Unlike children who can easily be confused by the grammar and the vocabulary, adults have the experiences to avoid such problems. In addition, adults are more dedicated to learning languages, as they are aware of the purposes and the prices they have to pay (for what?). This kind of thought is rare among children, since they are (tend to be) more naughty (immature) and inattentive (a better phrase: their concentration span is very limited)

             On the other hand, the advocates, including myself, raise arguments support the opposite idea. Firstly, children are genetically quicker learners with the ability to absorb knowledge (this is called "cognitive abilities") more rapidly. According to researchers, children at the age of three are capable of mastering up to four languages simultaneously, thanks to the development of their brain(s). Secondly, daily works and chores are the major factors which distract adilts(spelling) from further education, whereas children’s only duty is to study and gain knowledge. Last but not least, nowadays young students receive foreign language education much earlier compared to their parents; therefore the fact that they (can) pick up more languages at a faster pace is apparent.

            In conclusion, I would like to reitarate that I concur with the idea children are more successful when it comes to learning foreign languages because they are given more opportunities and are naturally more suitable.



Hello. I have yet to write anything so far but hopefully in the future, you will help me correct my essays. Many thanks.

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Thank you so much for the feedback :))

Hopefully you will write an essay so that I can learn more things from you :v
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I Agree this. Generally the children are eager to learn any activities. Particullarly some of the children IQ is high those are easily learn Forien language quickly. And also there are  some advantages for children study to study new language. they will learn a new language as a hoppy and than have a good command of language . On the other hand, learn new laguage is better for adults because, they have mature to learn and understand the new language effectively.
16 points
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