nhờ m.n xem và chỉnh sửa giúp mình. mình sắp thi nên không biết writing như vậy ổn chưa nữa. cám ơn m.n rất nhiều
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Write an informal email

Topic: You are going to visit Britain for three weeks in the near future. You have received An email from a British friend. Read this part of Olivia’s email and then write your email to Mr ans Mrs Hampson.

While you’re here, you could stay with some relatives of mine (Joe and Lisa Hampson) who live in the Midlands. I’ve spoken to them and they’d be pleased to put you up for a few days. I think you should write to them (address below), tell them about yourself and your plans, and ask for information about what you can do there.

Dear Mr and Mrs Hampson

Many thanks for you about allowing me to stay with Olivia and you for a few days while I’m in Britain.

I’m 20 years old and I’m currently studying at a university in my city with majoring in English. And visiting Britain is the chance for me to learn about your cultures and customs as well as improve my English during this summer holiday, so I may broaden my knowledge and develop my listening and speaking skills.

Furthermore, I also intend to go there for paying a visit to famous places of interest and taking some pictures to retain memories. I think it’s great!

I’m so glad and appreciate all your help in my first trip to Britain . Therefore, I hope that you will recommend some places for me to go and tell me what I should do while I’m in the Midland. Please write back to me if my suggestion is fine with you.

Hope to hear from you.

Best wishes
15 points

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Dear Mr and Mrs Hampson,
Many thanks for your allowing me to stay with Olivia and you for a few days while I’m in Britain.

I’m 20 years old and I’m currently studying at a university in my city with majoring in English. And visiting Britain is   a  chance for me to learn about your cultures and customs as well as improving my English during this summer holiday, so, I may broaden my knowledge and develop my listening and speaking skills. (lặp ý câu trước)

Furthermore, I also intend to go there to pay a visit to famous places of interest and take some pictures to retain memories. I think it will be great!

I’m so glad and appreciate all your help on my first trip to Britain . Therefore, I hope that you will recommend some places for me to go and tell me what I should do while I’m in the Midland. Please write back to me if my suggestion is fine by you.

Hope to hear from you.

Best wishes



11 points
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Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hampson

Thanks for your allowing me to stay with Olivia and you for a few days while I’m in Britain.

I’m 20 years old and I’m currently studying at a university in my city with majoring in English. And visiting Britain is a chance for me to learn about your cultures and customs as well as improve my English skills during this summer holiday.( so I may broaden my knowledge and develop my listening and speaking skills.) -> bỏ, kết hợp với câu trước

Furthermore, I also intend to go there to pay a visit to famous places of interest and take some pictures to retain memories. I think it will be great!

I’m so glad and appreciate all your help on my first trip to Britain. I hope that you will recommend some places for me to go and tell me what I should do while I’m in the Midland. Please write back to me if my suggestion is fine by you.

Hope to hear from you.

Best wishes

23 points

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