Đề thi IELTS - 13/06/2015 - With many problems of transport and accommodation in cities, some governments are encouraging ...
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TOPIC task 2 của tuần này update ngày 13/06/2015 :

With many problems of transport and accommodation in cities, some governments are encouraging businesses to move to rural areas.Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


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Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho đề Task 2 tuần này: 13/06/2015 đến từ IPP IELTS

Some people prefer to provide help or support directly to the local community. Others prefer to give money to national or international charitable organizations.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In recent decades, the increasingly serious problems of accommodation and transport in many cities has caused some governors to consider a new policy in which companies are encouraged to relocate to countryside regions. While this policy has a number of drawbacks, I contend that the benefits of it are far weightier.

There are a few disadvantages that the policy of encouraging enterprises to move out of urban areas may bring. The wave of urban-rural relocation of businesses may leave a number of centre-based employees on the verge of unemployment unless these people accept to travel a long distance to work. Even in the scenario that they do accept, there is still another drawback to consider. As the number of urban-rural commuters increases, the city public transport network will be placed under pressure.

However, I believe that the advantages of such a policy far outweigh the disadvantages. The most outstanding benefit is that once businesses are relocated to the countryside, their employees will not have to seek for accommodation in the city centre, and the shortage of housing in the downtown areas can be mitigated. As regards the traffic, this policy can divert rural-based labour force to an out-of-town destination. Therefore, the traffic flow into the city on a daily basis is fundamentally reduced. Finally, such relocation has a substantial advantage of creating more job opportunities and thus economic benefits to the local community in rural regions.

All the existing data provides a concrete foundation that the gains of the policy that encourages companies to move to out of inner city areas are far more significant than the losses.

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 Các bạn chữa bài mình với. Cảm ơn các bạn trước nhé :)

                That the governments are encouraging companies to move to the countryside with the purpose of solving some problems engenders controversy. Although I strongly believe that the establishment of corporations in rural areas has some corrosive impacts on their finance, I think to a certain extent that its benefits outweigh its drawbacks.

             To commence, the foremost predominant reason why the companies are advocated to move to rural areas is related to the booming population growth in urban areas. The major driving force behind the increasing number of immigrants in big cities is that they want to find a good job and receive remuneration. Therefore, the relocation of corporations in the countryside not only retards overpopulation but also tackles the unemployment issue. Besides, cities’ traffic congestion can be mitigated by the development of new economic zones in countryside. In other words, the deceleration of immigration growth can helps avoid traffic jams in rush hours.  

            On the other hand, the movement of the companies to rural areas seems to have direct negative influences on the proceeds of them. There is a presumption that the potential customers of the majority of businesses are citizens who have high living standard. That means a paucity of products can be consumed in rural areas and simultaneously the cost of delivery is likely to  spark off trepidation of businesses. Furthermore, the companies can cope with the risk of losing a huge number of well-trained employees when relocating to the countryside. Hiring residents in rural areas parallels wasting money on training them, which indubitably has pernicious impacts on corporations’ total assets.  

            By way of conclusion, with above listed things, I would restate that despite its detrimental effects on businesses’ monetary system, the relocation of businesses still brings significant benefits. 

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To solve the problems of traffic and houses in large cities, some governments have encouraged factories and businesses moved to the suburbs. This measure has a positive and negative side, however, in my personal opinion, the advantages of this method are much more than the drawbacks.

The movement of factories to rural areas has advantages not only for the bussiness but also for the city. Firstly, for the bussinesses, their profit will be  increased, because the cost of building factories in rural areas will be reduced due to the rural land rent is lower than in the city. Moreover, local labors are availability and the wages paid to them will be lower than workers in city thanks to the costs of living in rural areas are cheaper. Since then the cost of production has be decreased and lead to lower prices of products and consequently, their revenues and profits will be higher. Secondly, for city residents, traffic congestions in the city is greatly reduced when employees are not at work in the factories in the city, thus leading to air and noise pollutions are reduced markedly due to smoke waste from vehicles and factories, enterprises significantly decreased. Hence city residents will have better living environment.

However, the relocation of factories to the suburbs also faces unfavorable to businesses and local residents. Firstly, for the bussinesses, they must spend extra transport and manpower training expenses. Due to rural transport infrastructure can not be modern like in the big city, so the transportation of goods, materials, equipments and products to the airports and sea ports will be farther and therefore shipping costs are more expensive. Further, local people often have no skills as workers are trained in the city, so bussinesses should train them for the job competently. The second, for local residents, they will be narrowed their arable land for building factories, so the works for farmers accustomed to farming will be lost  and their income may be gone down. Moreover, local governments may be less able to supervise the activities of the enterprises, so that enterprises can take advantage of this to dumping waste and polluting the countryside. Despite the lack of positive aspects mentioned above, but the government and local authorities can tackle by strict management of the business activities and create more jobs for local residents.

In conclusion, the movement of plants and factories out of the city area is a true advocate for the advantages it brings to both people of the city and the local and businesses.
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Creating ang expand the ideas were excellent, but sevaral vocabularies was repeated and not be paraprased completely.
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Đây là bài viết của mình, mong mọi người nhận xét.


There are growing problems of accommodation and transportation in many cities so businesses are incentivized to move outside of urban areas. While this have some drawbacks, I believe that the benefits are greater.


On the one hand, there are several drawbacks of relocation. Firstly, when companies move to rural areas, they have to transport their merchandise from rural areas to cities. This has detrimental effects on the transportation system of the urban areas, for example, the congestion of streets in these cities caused by the higher number of vehicles used to carry goods. Secondly, workers may face transportation problems. The development of infrastructure in rural areas may not meet the demand for transportation. Thus, the further distance requires those who live in cities more in terms of vehicles, money and time to commute to the workplaces. 


On the other hand, I believe that the move of businesses brings greater positive impacts than the drawbacks. Primarily, the settlement of these organizations left unoccupied real estates, which could be used in housing plans to resolve the lack of accommodation problems in major cities. For instance, an apartment building instead of a factory could provide many houses for urban people. Another reason is that the congestions in the center area of cities are less severe thanks to the relocations of the workplaces, alleviating the transportation problems that authorities in these cities have to cope with.


In conclusion, I believe that companies should be encouraged to relocate to rural areas as the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

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Đây là bài đầu tiên của mình trên diễn đàn. Mong nhận được sự góp ý của các bạn.

It is argued that it is better to addess the housing and transporting problems in major cities by moving businesses to the countryside. While reasons can be given to justify this, I would contend that the disadvantages are superior to the advantages.

On the one hand, there are those who believe that moving businesses to the rural areas brings more benefits to the society. Obviously, this policy would reduce the strain about accommodation and transport in urban areas. This often lead to the huge number of workers relocating their home to the new workplace, and thus, the need for housing and transportation in key cities would decrease as well. Furthermore, this tendency improve the life of rural inhabitants. Indeed, the movement of companies to new places will require them to invest in infrastructures in these areas like the road system, the rail system, and factories. Therefore, the local might have more job opportunities and benefit from better infrastructure.

On the other hand, I side with those who claim that it is more disadvantageous to relocate businesses to the countryside. Primarily, their employees who move to the new workplace would have to face difficult situations such as adapting to a new life, a different environment, and they need a long time to be stable. Therefore, this may adversely affect  their quality and productivity. In addition, the locals’ a part of farmland will pave the way for new factories. As a result, some locals will be unemployed and attend unhealthy activities like playing games on computers, which would reduce public health.

 In conclusion, although moving to rural domains has some advantages, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
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Đây là bài viết của mình. Mong các bạn cho nhận xét.

In the today’s world, an increase in housing and transport problem in cities is a frequent debated topic. While some people think that moving business to rural areas has several benefits, I believe that the drawbacks far outweigh the benefits.

On the one hand, changing business to the countryside has beneficial in some ways. Firstly, the population density in urban areas will decrease. Employees have a tendency to settle down proximity to their workplaces. Therefore, the influx of city commuters that cause traffic congestion would disappear in rush hours. Secondly, the relocation of companies can stimulate economy growth in rural areas. The more companies move to these areas; the more job opportunities are created for local inhabitants. This can lead to the higher standard of living in the countryside. Finally, infrastructures and facilities in these areas will be invested in to meet the demanding of the enterprise’s operation.

However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks. Primarily, staffs living in the cities could have to commute for a longer distances to work, which takes time and exhaust them. As a result, this can deter these workers from working efficiently after wasting a large amount of energy on travelling. Secondly, the business may encounter the shortage of qualified and skilled workers. The employees in suburban areas are often less competence than those in cities. This contributes to an increase in the staff training costs of the enterprises.  

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential drawbacks of moving companies out of urban areas are more significant than the possible benefits.
7 points
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Many companies and enterprises are encouraged to transfer from urban to local areas by the government since big cities are confronted with many transportation and housing problems. Although this trend has some drawbacks, I would argue that there are more benefits.

Relocating businesses as well as their employees to rural areas could have some undoubted disadvantages. Firstly, industries will have to cope with a number of various factors in less developed areas such as lack of transportation, appropriate infrastructure to setup an industry and scarcity of communication channel. As a result, the government and companies would have to spend a great amount of money to set up these means before starting the business. Secondly, it would lead to a dramatic decrease in the number of people in the cities, which can have a devastating effect on the urban businesses such as restaurants, coffee shops and other services.

On the other hand, the policy of moving industries to regional areas is more beneficial in many ways. It might help ease the pressure on transportation. This is due to the fact that peak hour traffic is undoubtedly made up largely of staff from companies going to and from home. If the number of worker’s vehicles is reduced on city streets, a large percentage of traffic will obviously decline in rush hours. In addition, it is true that a large proportion of urban apartments are occupied by employees from large firms and their families. If this workforce is relocated to housing estates in the country, city apartment blocks will fall in price and certainly increase in availability. Consequently, it would address the problems of overcrowding in big cities as well as insufficient accommodation.

In conclusion, the disadvantages of moving businesses out of municipal to remote areas are inevitable. However, I do believe that this tendency will bring more benefits than drawbacks in the future.

(311 words)

16 points

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