Đề IELTS ngày 16/08/2014 - Task 2: In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of the cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
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In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of the cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Topic sẽ được mở cho đến thứ 5 tuần sau - 21/08/2014.
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117 points

6 Answers

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It is true that many governments have persuaded industries and businesses to relocate to the suburban areas. While this trend may have several drawbacks, I personally believe that its benefits are greater.

Admittedly, moving industries and businesses to regional areas is problematic up to a point. Firstly, not all the workers are willing to leave their family to resettle in rural areas. Besides, local workers are often unqualified and thus, in need of training courses. Consequently, companies are likely to find themselves lacking in skilled workforce in the short term. Secondly, poor infrastructure in remote areas can make the idea of moving industries’ location less attractive.

However, the relocation of factories and companies, without a doubt, may partially help solve many urban problems and improve general living standards. These movements definitely lead to the flow of workers to less dense areas which subsequently lessens the burden on public infrastructure in major cities. As a result, traffic congestion, hospital and school overload are alleviated and people can enjoy a better life.

Another significant advantage is the decrease in production cost. More specifically, factory owners can make use of abundant raw materials in the countryside which often require little or no transportation costs. In addition to that, rental costs in less populous places are considerably lower than that in densely populated cities. Eventually, the cost of production becomes lower, making the final products more competitive.

In conclusion, despite a number of shortcomings, it seems to me that the change in the location of industries and businesses from large cities to rural areas is more beneficial.

263 words

14 points


Thanks for your great essay!
ý tưởng được , mik nghĩ câu ở dòng th ứ 5 tứ dươi lên ....which often require => which is often  required thì mới đúng
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In some nations, industries and busnesses are being recommened to leave the cities and locate in regional areas. In my opinion, the advanages are dominant to the disadvantages.

On the one hand, this relocation comes along with disadvantages. Leaving the cities involves the lack of competent employees. The capacity will be less productive without these well-trained workers' presence during the manufacturing process, as the result of this, there will be a fall in the total income of a company. Moreover, the long distance from the cities makes the commodities less available to clients and consumers in the cities due to high costs on transportation from the local areas to the cities.

However, moving to regional ares brings about many advantages. First of all, the costs of commodities in these ares are much cheaper than those in the cities. Due to low-priced materials, companies can spend more money on constructing facilities and buying high-techonology machines. Secondly, the movements provide employments for depressed ares. On locating their enterprises in these ares, businesses give local residents a good chance of getting a high-paid job. As the result, the space between the rich and the poor is narrowed because the living standards are gradually enhanced. Finally, such areas provide more space and make it easier to find a favorable location. In contrast to the overcrowding in the cities, the abundance of space in the external areas enables companies to easily find a suitable place for their offices.

In conclusion, while I agree that industries and businesses’ moving to regional areas has some drawbacks, I believe that its advantages are much greater.
24 points

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mình sửa vài chỗ nha

In some nations, industries and busnesses are being recommened to leave the cities and locate in regional areas. In my opinion, the advanages are dominant to the disadvantages.         locate->relocate

On the one hand, this relocation comes along with disadvantages. Leaving the cities involves the lack of competent employees------------.>involves---------->results  in

, as the result of this, there will be a fall in the total income of a company.---->As a result,fall->reduction

 due to high costs on->of transportation from the local areas to the cities.

Secondly, the movements------------>removals provide employments for depressed ares---->undeveloped areas.

On locating their enterprises in these ares, businesses give ----->provide local residents a good chance of getting a high-paid job---->high-paid jobs

As the result, the space ------------>gap  between the rich and the poor is narrowed because the living standards are gradually enhanced---->raised

--Finally, such areas provide more space------>spaces  and make it easier to find a favorable location=------------->spots.
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Mời các bạn xem bài của mình.Mong mọi người nhiệt tình ủng hộ,nhận xét.MÌnh mong mọi người xem nhớ chấm luôn xem được band mấy nhé.(vừa rồi thi thử IELTS trên Hanoi họ chấm kiểu gì mà mình thấp không tưởng được so với suy nghĩ của mình)


The recent industrial revolution in both developed and developing nations has resulted in the fact that many governmental authorities are motivating industries and businesses to leave for rural areas from central cities.From my point of view,the huge benefits which this policy brings about definitely outweigh the drawbacks in some aspects.

On the one hand,business and industrial owners have to face a number of problems when they remove.The first thing that needs  to be taken into consideration is relocation.To be more specific,it takes much time as well as money for them to find new grounds in order to build up headquarters or factories.Another issue is that being newcomers restricts the previously successful managerial system in seeking access to sources of raw materials and new customers.As a result,a great deal of expenditure must be spent on advertising campaigns to attract buyers and to establish brands in sparsely populated regions.In addition,the cities that merchants and businessmen have left behind may lose a vital source of employment,thus making job application more competitive than ever before.

On the other hand,removals of industrial infrastructures are considerably beneficial to society.First of all,such activities reduce the burden on the environment.In other words,exhaust fumes ,toxical gases and chemical wastes from factory chimneys and freight vehicles thrown away into the air or water sources like rivers and lakes are reduced to minimum.Therefore,public health can be improved significantly when people enjoy their lives by breathing the fresh air every morning as well as using clean water every day.Secondly,there would be no traffic congestions on city roads at rush hours because not too many people have to rush to their offices in time to  prepare for a working day.Finally,it also provides more opportunities for land to be used for public purposes.For example,in many urban areas in Vietnam,a lot of green parks,entertainment centers and health facilities have been constructed after the goverment enforced the relocation policy nationwide.

In conclusion,with both sides comprehensively considered ,I would say that there are more advantages than disadvantages in removing businesses and industries out of the cities into the countryside.That certainly makes our lives happier and more worthwhile.

24 points

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Theo ý kiến của minh thì:
 governmental authorities-> governing authorities
leave for ->leave to
this policy brings about-> this policy gains
,business and industrial owners-> ,businessmen and industrial owners
takes much time as well as money for them-> takes them much time as well as money
seeking access to ->approach
to attract buyers and( to) establish
In addition,the cities that merchants and businessmen have left behind may lose a vital source of employment,thus making job application more competitive than ever before.->mình không hiểu câu này của bạn cho lắm.
thus making->which makes
toxical gases->toxic gases
paragraph 3 :không hợp lí.vì "reduce the burden on the environment" chỉ ở urban areas,còn ở countrysides thi hoàn toàn ngược lại
 in time-> on time
 opportunities for land to be used  ->opportunities for utilizing land
1 vote
1 vote


Some governments all over the world are currently encouraged to mainly develop their facilities in rural areas instead of urban areas.while I agree that there are benefits of moving industries into suburns, I believe that this is more likely to have harmful impacts.

On the one hand, moving factories and companies from big cities to some regional areas is beneficial in some ways. Firstly, there would be an increasing number of job opportunities in these areas. This might lead to a positive impact that more people will have job, and they can earn more money to support their families. So the unemployment rate in suburns will therefore decreased significantly, which is benificial to the development of the society.Secondly, when some industries appear in these areas, they would provide  people with a great number of goods that could be used to improve their LIVING standard such as refrigerator, television or smartphone.

On the other hand, I would argue that these benefits are outweighted by drawbacks.the first reason is that the environment in rural areas would negatively polluted by emmisions and trash coming from manufacturing of companies. Some people who are living near industrialized locations would face health deterioration due to polluted water and THE air, so they cannot live there  if these businesses do not stop their manufacture. Furthermore, if people want to build factories, they might need more land. As a result, farmers would have less land to plant or raising livestock, and they will  become poorer as their main income dramatically decrease.

In conclusion, it seems to me that potential dangers of industrilization in suburns are significant than possible benefits.

(271 WORDS)

30 points


Mình xin cmt trước rồi cho band như sau

Some governments all over the world are currently encouraged to mainly develop their facilities in rural areas instead of urban areas.while-->While I agree that there are benefits of--->>from  moving--->removing  industries into suburns, I believe that this is more likely to have harmful impacts.

On the one hand, moving factories and companies from big cities to some regional areas is beneficial in some ways. Firstly, there would be an increasing number of job opportunities in these areas. This might lead to a positive impact--------->>result that more people will have job---->jobs, and they can earn more money to support their families. So the unemployment rate in suburns will therefore decreased(bỏ ed) significantly, which is benificial ------->beneficial to the development of the society----->>>>>>>câu này đã dùng so đầu câu vốn k suitable lại có therefore ở giữa------>Thererore the unemployment rate.....will decrease....Secondly, when some industries appear------>>>are situated  in these areas(lặp nhiều quá-->parts), they would provide  people(local pp) with a great number of goods that could be used to improve their LIVING standard(s) such as refrigerator, television or smartphone.

On the other hand, I would argue that these benefits are outweighted ----->outweighed (k có t )by ( some ) drawbacks.the--->The first reason is that the environment in rural areas would negatively polluted----------->>be negatively polluted by emmisions and trash coming------>thrown away from (the) manufacturing of companies. Some people who are living near industrialized locations would face health deterioration due to polluted water and THE air, so they cannot live there  if these businesses do not stop their manufacture. Furthermore, if people want to build factories, they might need more land. As a result, farmers would have less land to plant or raising ------>>raise  livestock, and they will  become poorer as their main income dramatically decrease------>>>decreases.

In conclusion, it seems to me that (the) potential dangers of industrilization in suburns are significant  --->more significant than possible benefits.

IN my opinion,your essay may be scored a band 6.5 with 4 criteria considered,not band 8
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Cám ơn bạn nhiều lắm, Bạn ơi cho mình hỏi một tí được không?
1.  sao chỗ potential dangers phải có THE nhỉ? bạn có thể chỉ cho mình một số từ tương tự mà bắt buộc có THE . Advantages bắt buộc phải có THE ko bạn?, với Benefits thì sao bạn nhỉ?
2.mình nghĩ cái đầu tiên vẫn là moving nhé, chỗ impact vẫn đc nhé,
3. mình nghĩ bài tối thiểu là band 7 nhé
mình có phát hiện thêm một số lãi, cám ơn bạn, mình sẽ sửa bài hoàn thiện hơn
mình đi thi cũng nghĩ sẽ điểm cao,nhưng giám khảo chấm chặt tay hơn nhiều.band 7 là cũng ok
0 votes
0 votes
In some countries, there are many industries and factories locate in cities especially developing countries. Moving there industries and factories to regional areas is the action that needs time, this action maybe has drawback but in my opinion, advantage greatly outweigh the disadvantages.

Industrial zone and multinational company use enormous quantity of labor, when the workforce is concentrate on the cities that will follow serious problem of modern social for example: environment pollution, traffic jam, over load of hospital, school, the population density increasing... beside that, high cost of living that workers are difficult to live.   

Moving the factories to rural areas will reduce the concentration of people in the cities where by reducing the serious issues mentioned above.

However, the movement is too difficult for industries and factories, not only because of they have to rebuild infrastructure that is not completed in new place, but also because of difficultness of high quality workforce.

Some position in the line of work that require workers have trained and had skill or even highly qualified professional. However, almost of the high qualified workforce aren’t willing to work in suburbs where is away from their family and prosperous life which they were be used to. Admittedly, the issue of labor and financial are the most important issues to companies but they are can be solved by supporting of government because moving industries to countryside is the significant policy which have influence on developing of social-economic of nation.

In conclusion, moving industries to suburb areas cut both the way, although the moving has some drawback but for the long term advantage greatly outweigh the disadvantages.
7 points
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Hi ! Minh post bai minh cac ban xem thu nha

It is motivated by governments in many countries that factories and businesses should be allocated collectively into particular areas, which steer clear of the cities. In my opinion, though it contains some insignificant drawbacks, this shift can demonstrate remarkable advantages that outweigh the negative aspects.
Moving industrial factories as well as businesses to other places contributes huge positive effects to urban environment. Firstly, the possibilities from pollutions, including air, water and noise pollution, are reduce markedly from this trend. Secondly, authorities are able to manage the collective zones effectively due to the types of businesses from which they are arranged. And finally, the urbanization progress of countries will be enhanced. People are more likely to stay in other locations near their workplaces, sometimes suburban areas, and promote those places to develop. As a result, i confidently  expect that the overall economy and society of a country will be improved generally.
On the other hand, this change also creates some challenges. One of the difficulties is transportation. Not many countries have a modernized transportation system, especially developing countries, that cannot meet the demand of civilians to commute to work far from their accommodations. Another reason is the cost and time to implement such the remarkable change that seem unaffordable in short term for some societies. However, this change is necessary and some disadvantages above are not totally unchangeable. 
 In conclusion, gathering businesses and industries are efficiently essential for countries. By having such positive effects to the society and economy, i believe that the advantages dominates the negative outcomes. 
34 points

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