Pie chart: https://ielts-up.com/writing/academic-writing-sample-1.html
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The two pie charts illustrate the conclusion of a review of boy’s and girl’s cultural and leisure activities.

Overall, they enjoyed listening to music, but girl’s reading account for dramatically large number percentage than the other. There were also differences between boy’s activities and girl’s.

Turning to the first chart, the activities that boys enjoyed most is playing videogames accounted for 34 percent. The second most leisure popular is playing basketball was less than a third of activities.

Basketball followed by soccer which they liked by 17 percent. Skateboarding and listening to music accounted for 11 percent and 10 percent. Reading was the less favorite activities by only 2 percent.

Taking a closer look at the other, girls prefer dancing by 27 percent than others. In contrast with boys, reading accounted for over a fifth of all girls. Although, the percentage of playing computer games is twice less than that of boys (16 percent), this was the third popular activities. Netball and gymnastics that girls participated in accounted for 15 percent and 11 percent. The proportion of listening to music that was practiced by girls same boy’s activities was 10 percent, but that is the less enjoyed activities.
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The two pie charts illustrate the conclusion of a review of boy’s and girl’s cultural and leisure activities.

Overall, they enjoyed listening to music, but girl’s reading account for dramatically large number percentage than the other. There were also differences between boy’s activities and girl’s.

Turning to the first chart, the activities that boys enjoyed most is playing videogames accounted for 34 percent. The second most leisure popular is playing basketball was less than a third of activities.

Basketball followed by soccer which they liked by 17 percent. Skateboarding and listening to music accounted for 11 percent and 10 percent. Reading was the less favorite activities by only 2 percent.

Taking a closer look at the other, girls prefer dancing by 27 percent than others. In contrast with boys, reading accounted for over a fifth of all girls. Although, the percentage of playing computer games is twice less than that of boys (16 percent), this was the third popular activities. Netball and gymnastics that girls participated in accounted for 15 percent and 11 percent. The proportion of listening to music that was practiced by girls same boy’s activities was 10 percent, but that is the less enjoyed activities.

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