IELTS task 2 - Cambridge 9: Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.
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It can be seen that a lot of languages die out every year. Some people believed that this phenomenon is not considerable because life will get easier if there are fewer languages in the world. I agree with this view and I will state my opinion on the essay below.

On the one hand, decreasing in the number of languages allows people to  be more convenient comunicating. In fact, there are too many languages makes people overwhelmed, they find it hard to exchange information, results in lots of dificulties in daily life. For example, In viet nam a lot of people living in rural areas have their own language, it creates a lot of barriers for community integration. As a result, they constantly have an undeveloped economy and to be separated from society.

On the other hand, existing fewer languages will cut costs and save time. As we can see, we have to take many years to learn another language. And we spend lots of money to learn new languages or to hire translators for businesses every year. Therefore, I believe fewer languages creates more chances for economic development among countries because we are easier to exchange information. At the moment, all the countries in the world can have ability to speak English, so I suppose  English will be the key to success for everyone.

Inconclusion, I agree with this view that several languages are in danger of extinction is not important. And I believe that fewer languages brings lots of benefits as well.
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Hi bạn, mình có sửa bài của bạn theo ý của mình như bên dưới. Mình có một chút góp ý là bạn nên bớt sử dụng FANBOYS (coodinator) mà thay vào đó nên sử dụng nhiều hơn conjunction để kết nối các mệnh đề. ^^ Bài viết được sửa hoàn toàn là ý tưởng cá nhân nên nếu bạn không hài lòng thì có thể giữ nguyên cách diễn đạt của bạn.

It can be seen that a lot of languages vanish every year. It is believed that this phenomenon is not considerable because life will get easier with fewer languages. I totally agree with this view for two following reasons.
First and foremost, decreasing the number of languages allows people to communicate more efficiently. In fact, too many languages make people overwhelmed. Thus, they find it hard to exchange information, resulting in lots of annoyances in daily life. Taking Vietnam as an example,  ethnic minorities have their own dialects which creates a lot of barriers in mutual understanding. As the result, they seem to be left behind from the dynamic economy of Vietnam.

The second reason is that remaining fewer languages minimizes both time and payments. As can be clearly seen, not only we have to take much time and effort to learn foreign languages but also a huge amount of money was spent every year to recruit translators and interpreters for business. Therefore, I believe that the fewer accents we have, the more economical the public spend to communicate in the global market. Curently, English is spoken commonly all over the world; hence, I suppose it to be the key to success for everyone.

Inconclusion, I gravitate towards the statement although several languages are on the verge of extinction, having fewer languages is far more beneficial. 

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hihi cam on nhiu a. rất hữu ích ạ. many thanks

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