IELTS Task 2 - Every year several languages die out. Some think it is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages. Do you agree or disagree?
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Question: Every year several languages die out. Some people think that it is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?



Each year, several languages are in danger of extinction. Some argue that if the number of languages decreased, life would be simpler, therefore, this is not a crucial issue. This essay disagrees with this statement because language dying out would lead to a decrease in job opportunities and learning common languages seem to be too difficult for residents of some nations.


Language extinction would result in a reduction in the number of employment opportunities. As there are currently various languages in the world, numerous translation positions are needed to help the locals to approach overseas media. If those languages became extinct, translators would lose their jobs because citizens would be forced to learn common languages and be able to understand foreign news and movies themselves. For instance, more than 15% of Vietnamese people making money by writing subtitles for Western movies or translating English articles into Vietnamese would need to look for other jobs if English became a mother tongue in Vietnam.


Another reason why life will be tougher with fewer languages is the fact that people may find it too hard to study new languages. Because of the difference in sentences’ structures, vocabulary and accents each language has, it would take ages to adopt other languages. To illustrate, the government in South Korea failed to make English as an official language since Korean characters are totally different from English words and people, especially the old ones, have struggled to learn it although they have been trying for a long time.


In conclusion, the extinction of languages could be considered as a vital problem and life would be more difficult when only a few languages exist because this would adversely affect job market and learning global languages is not as easy as learning a native language.

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Each year, several languages are in danger of extinction. Some argue that if the number of languages decreased, life would be simpler, therefore, this is not a crucial issue. This essay disagrees with this statement because languages dying out would lead to a decrease in job opportunities, and learning common languages seems to be too difficult for residents of some nations.


Language extinction would result in a reduction in the number of employment opportunities. As there are currently various languages in the world, numerous translator positions are needed to help the locals to approach overseas media. If those languages became extinct, translators would lose their jobs because citizens would be forced to learn common languages and be able to understand foreign news and movies themselves. For instance, more than 15% of Vietnamese people are making money by writing subtitles for Western movies or translating English articles into Vietnamese, so they would need to look for other jobs if English became a mother tongue in Vietnam.


Another reason why life will would be tougher with fewer languages is the fact that people may find it too hard to study new languages. Because of the difference in sentence structures, vocabulary and accents that different each languages has have (because you use "difference in...", languages must be in plural) , it would take ages to adopt other languages a new language. To illustrate, the government in South Korea failed to make English as an official language since Korean characters are totally different from English words, and people, especially the old ones, have struggled to learn it although they have been trying for a long time.


In conclusion, the extinction of languages could be considered as a vital problem. Life would be more difficult when only a few languages exist because this would adversely affect job market and learning global languages is not as easy as learning a native language.


(Please pay attention to grammar when you make long sentences. The long sentence in the conclusion is grammatically confusing and would risk to reduce your score)

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