Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.
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Language plays a significant role in the nation's civilization. However, whether how important they are when some of that die out yearly has caused heated debates. I suppose that the survival of human's language is worth conservating anyway.

Firstly, it is clear that language is the representation of a civilization that helps reserve the features of a nation's culture. Hence, dying a nation's language means losing the quintessences of humanity as well as their society particularly. So, human living cannot develop when their culture are degrading day by day. Therefore, language reservation is absolute an important duty for every individual.

Secondly, opting one or more foreign languages and forgeting their mother of that is very popular in the age of globalization. Many people still keep their wrong point of views that they can be better than others by replacing completely their mother language by a developed country 's language. Therefore, the number of languages are dominating only by the international languages as a result.

However, it is not to say that individuals should learn their mother tone solely. It is because culture exchange is also an important demand for every nation, and foreign languages is really a useful tool for this need. But we should remember to remain our language while cultivationg the others.

In conclusion, foreign language is really cecessary for every civilization. Nevertheless, this does not mean we should forget our language for this demand. So,  by conservating mother language in parallel with opting the new one, people will not only remain the feature of their culture, but also they can spread it to other nations throughout the process of cultural exchange.
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It is well-known that the disappearance of several languages occurs every year. Although some people argue this is a serious issue that requires more attentions, it is disagreed as such events would reduce language barriers and promote better co-operations between people.

Firstly, fewer languages within a country enhance the understandings among people whose ethnicities and backgrounds are different. It is obvious that in many countries, certain minority groups speak their own languages which results in challenges for local governments to mange these communities due to language difficulties. For example, a few minor societies in far north of Vietnam cannot blend in with 99% of population because they are not able to speak national language and hence, suffer from poverty and lack of proper education and healthcare. A common tongue for various ethnic groups would alleviate such situations in these nations.

Furthermore, better co-operations between people from diversed backgrounds can be achieved if they share the same language. it is widely seen in multi-national companies that employees are required to work with colleagues from many parts of the world and communication is often a serious issue. This is best exxemplified with the case of a global company in 2015 which lost 20 billion dollars due to misunderstandings between 2 branches in Germany and France. The reason behind this appalling event was the false translation between 2 languages of the contracts. Such problems and more efficient collaborations could have been avoided  if a common language was used.

In conclusion, as discussed, the disappearance of several languages yearly is not an important matter but it, in fact, would help to solve many problems existing in many countries due to language barriers as well as promote better collaborations between people worldwide.

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