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Every year several languages die out. Some people think that it is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Nowadays, there are over two hundred countries in the world with their own languages. However, many languages are disappearing. Some people believe that the life is better if the world exists some standard languages. In my opinion, I completely agree with this point of view. In this essay, I am going to shed some lights on my opinion.

There are several reasons that some languages die out. We can see that the popularity of language is the most important things to maintain lingual. If a country has about 200 thousand people and uses their own language to communicate with other countries, it could be impossible to exchange culture with the rest of the world without using the same language. That is the first reason leading to disappear traditional language. In addition, the difficulty of learning language is the second reason that leads to die out of lingual. For example, people want to use a new language for communicate, they must learn at least 10 years for proficient. It will limit the number of people who want to approach this country and bring it more popular.

In my view, the world is becoming globalize. It is easier to connect with other countries through few standard languages. When children were born, they may study about two or three languages and could explore the world. In my case, for instance, if I go to China, Vietnam, I could use English to communicate and understand this country instead of leaning Chinese, Vietnamese. To clear this point, these countries use the same language that is the best way to attract tourists over the world and develops economic significant.

In conclusion, I truly believe that these ideas are the essential consideration to build a better world. The life is more convenient and developed if we use few languages and same vision. We should not make the life more complicated than it needs to be.
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Phần bài chữa của bạn tại đây nhé, nếu như có bất kỳ thắc mắc gì liên quan đến bài viết, bạn vui lòng để lại comment tại phần thanh chat nhé



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- There are several reasons that some languages die out =>  There are several reasons why some languages die out 

- We can see that the popularity of language is the most important things to maintain lingual => It is obvious that.....the most important thing...

"maintain" hình như chỉ đi cùng N thôi nên...


There are several reasons that some languages die out. We can see that the popularity of language is the most important things to maintain lingual. If a country has about 200 thousand people and uses their own language to communicate with other countries, it could be impossible to exchange culture with the rest of the world without using the same language. That is the first reason leading to disappear traditional language => Thật ra mình không hiểu ý bạn lắm...

In addition, the difficulty of learning language is the second reason that leads to die out of lingual => chỉ cần dùng "firstly, secondly..." mình nghĩ là được rồi, không cần nói dài, vừa bị bôi ra thừa chữ mà cũng không hay.

leads to die out of lingual => leads to the disapperance of languages.

For example, people want to use a new language for communicate, they must learn at least 10 years for proficient => phần ví dụ này mình nghĩ không đúng lắm vì để proficient một ngôn ngữ rất nhiều người chỉ mất rất ít thời gian, do vậy, bạn chỉ nên nói là "For example, people who want to master a language would have to so much time.

- Phần dưới mình thấy nó cũng khá tương đồng với phần trên vì mình nghĩ ideas của bạn hơi khó hiểu một chút. Bạn nên tìm thử trên mạng sample mẫu về đọc nhé.

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