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The pie chart compares the agriculture land becomes less productive by deforestation, over-cultivation, over-grazing and other reason. The table illustrates North America, Europe, and Oceania region were impacted by 4 causes of land degradation in the 1990s.

From the pie chart, it is clean that over-grazing made up 35% and became the most cause of worldwide land degradation. Meanwhile, the deforestation cause and over-cultivation cause accounted for 30% and 28%, respectively. And the lowest proportion, 7%, belonged to other cause.

As can be seen from the second table chart, Europe was the most affected country with 23% of its land degraded. the second influenced country with the most especially serious over- cultivation (11,3%), which is Oceania. Finally, with only total 5% land degraded, which included mainly 3,3% land degraded by over-cultivation is North America.
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The pie chart compares the agriculture land becomes less productive (câu có 2 động từ, phải dùng mệnh đề quan hệ nối lại hoặc mdqh giản lược, sai chủ ngữ so sánh nguyên nhân dẩn đến less of productive of agriculture land chứ)by deforestation, over-cultivation, over-grazing and other reason. The table illustrates North America, Europe, and Oceania region were impacted (lổi như trên) by 4 causes of land degradation in the 1990s.

From the pie chart, it is clean that over-grazing made up 35% and became the most cause of worldwide land degradation (the most cause thiếu tính từ-> 35% of over-grazing was the most main cause of worldwide lan degradation).Meanwhile, the deforestation cause and over-cultivation cause ( câu thiếu thành phần object, mà sai hình thức động từ) accounted for 30% and 28%, respectively. And the lowest proportion, 7%, belonged to other cause.

As can be seen from the second table chart, Europe was the most affected country with 23% of its land degraded. (sai chủ ngữ đất ở Europe bị ảnh hưởng chứ không phải Europe) .the second influenced country with the most especially serious over- cultivation (11,3%), which is Oceania. Finally, with only total 5% land degraded, which included mainly 3,3% land degraded by over-cultivation is North America. (câu này thiều chủ ngữ, mà which ở đây bỗ nghĩa cho cái gì)

12 points


Bạn ơi mình không hiểu câu cuối lắm "Finally, with only total 5% land degraded, which included mainly 3,3% land degraded by over-cultivation is North America. "   thì chủ ngữ là North America. mình ghi cuối cũng được là đúng không bạn.

Theo minh  North America la object, subject phai dung dau cau chu. With only total 5% land degraded, which included mainly 3,3% land degraded la gi ko hieu lam. Ban phan tich thanh phan Chinh cua cau di: subject, verb, object. Xem no dung nhu vay co hop Ly chua, no co nghia ko nha. Doc va dich Cau sang tieng viet nghe suon se la duoc
Cảm ơn bạn nhiều^^

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