Đề thi IELTS - 19/09/2015 - Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have...
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TOPIC task 2 của tuần này ngày 19/09/2015 :

Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. Do agree or disagree?


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Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho đề Task 2 tuần này: 19/09/2015 đến từ IPP IELTS

Everyone should become a vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?


Vegetarianism has evolved as a topic of consideration among society. There exists a common belief that a vegetarian diet is an ideal and healthy eating plan for everyone. However, I give my strong opposition to the recommendation.

The primary reason is that dietary meals with solely fruit and vegetables do not guarantee an optimal eating plan for people. The most obvious reason for this view is that a balanced and sufficient dietary plan requires the intake of all six nutrition elements, which a vegetarian plan might fail to accommodate. For instance, vegetarians might not meet their intake requirements of fat, a vital element which helps cushion organs and insulate the body. Another point supporting this view is that vegetarians have a tendency to lack certain vitamins and minerals which meat-eaters rarely do. Since meat is the best source of B12, a vitamin necessary to the nervous and digestive system, vegetarians are more prone to B12 deficiency. 

Another significant reason is that the decision to become a vegetarian should be made with regards to individual preferences and needs, and should not be a generic suggestion. Individuals have the full right to determine their dietary plans with taking their dietary preferences in account. For instance, a person having a predilection for meat and sweets should feel dissatisfied and upset if he or she follows a meal plan with solely fruit and vegetables. Furthermore, dietary choices should also be made with thorough consideration of individuals’ specific health status. Some children’s physical development has suffered rather than benefited from meat-deficient meals.

In conclusion, I’m of the opinion that meat-deficient diet plan is not an optimal option for everyone, and the choice of becoming a vegetarian should live up to individuals.

286 words, written by Minh Nguyen IPP IELTS Ho Chi Minh City Head teacher


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People have differing views about whether everyone should eat vegetarian food to have a healthy life. While I agree that being a vegetarian could bring healthier lifestyle to many people, I would argue that it is partly wrong to say everyone should not eat meat.

On the one hand, there are several benefits of being vegetarian. Firstly, these days, there are many types of vegetables providing enough nutrition for people to work. In other words, it is unnecessary in many cases for people to eat meat. Take potato as an example. This is one of the most popular types of vegetarian food that could provide a large amount of calories. Secondly, types of vegetables often contain high vitamins which would reduce illness and even improve people’s health. As a consequence, it is partly reasonable to say that vegetarian food gives people healthier life.

One the other hand, not everyone should eat only vegetables and fruits due to their specific demand of growth. For instance, at teenage age, children should better eat meats in order to grow fully and maximally. At this age, healthy lifestyle is not enough for them to develop well. Furthermore, for most of the time, athlete is also a special type of people who have to consume greater amount of calories than others. They not only need to live healthily but to eat an enough amount of meat to spend on their activities.

In conclusion, while I agree that vegetarian food brings many positive results to people who follow this type of eating, I still believe that special types of people might need to eat meat to provide enough energy for their development.
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Recently, becoming a vegetarian has become a new tendency because many people believe that consuming meat is not good for their health. From my point of view, I disagree with that idea.

Firstly, amongst several reasons associated with the objection against vegetarianism, the most significant of which is that meat-base food provides many essential nutrients, including protein, fat and even vitamin. Not only generating energy for our daily activities, but these substances also are the material which builds our body, especially while the period of growing up in children. If we want to achieve a healthy body with strong muscle and firm six-pack abs, consuming only products of vegetable is nearly impossible. Moreover, we need to eat a wide range of food in order to avoid nutrient deficiency. For example, because vitamin B12 and some indispensable acid amines are not found in vegetables, vegetarians usually face the risks of anemia and underdevelopment.

Furthermore, it is my belief that the quantity of food and the way processing it are factors which determine our diet good or bad. Although it is not good for our health when we consume too much animal-origin product, it is undeniable that eating too many carbohydrates, such as rice or bread, which are meat-free, is also detrimental for our health. Or between sashimi and French fries, which is healthier? In addition, usually meat-base food is more popular than those made from vegetable, as well as mainly cuisines around the world are not vegetarian. Therefore, it is hard to follow a fully vegetarian diet.

In conclusion, although vegetable is good for our health, we should not underestimate the benefit of animal-origin product. I am convinced that if we want to have a healthier life, changing the way processing food and reducing the amount of food are more appropriate than cutting down completely meat from our diet.
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Many people tend to stay away from eating meat by going vegan to ensure their healthy diet. Personally, I disagree with this idea because I believe that the consumption of meat plays a vital role in human nutrition.
On the one hand, there are a variety of reason why people have a tendency of using meatless food. Firstly, being a vegetarian or a vegan is an increasingly popular trend these days. It is a well-known fact that cutting animal product from daily diet could mitigate the risk of suffering from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. Secondly, meat-eaters are sometimes considered making contribution to the animal slaughter, which goes against the animal-welfare campaigns of many international institutions like PETA. Finally, it is believed that a diet without the consumption of meat could not only be beneficial to human health, but also the animal and the environment.
However, I would argued that meat is an indispensable ingredient of our daily diet. It is obvious that there are many nutrients in meat that are critical to the overall health of human. For example, the various proteins from pork, beef and chicken are extremely important in muscle growth and also provide the entire body with sustained, long-lasting energy. Furthermore, to maintain good health, it is necessary to plan a balanced diet with the adequate portions of meat, vegetable and other nourishments. In fact, the lack or overconsumption of any nutrition may lead to disorders or various kinds of disease.
In conclusion, it seems to me that becoming vegetarians to avoid eating meat is not a satisfactory solution for a nutritious diet. Instead, people should be aware of the importance of meat consumption to have a healthy eating habit.
(288 words)

Written by ielts-vuive.com

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Some people argue that meat is not necessarily a vital part for human to stay healthy so that it should be permanently removed from our daily diet and we should eat vegetable instead. However, I still believe that if everyone in the world becomes vegans, this trend may do more harm than good.

Meat has several health benefits and it still plays an equally important role as vegetables in humans’ everyday meals. Meat and other animal products such as milk or eggs are resources of essential nutrients which human body really needs in order to function properly. Without meat, people could face many health problems such as malnutrition or rickets. In addition, a large number of traditional meals cannot be made with solely vegetables. For example, Chung cake, a typically traditional meal in Vietnam during Tet holidays, contains pork as one of the main ingredients and if everyone stops eating meat, Chung cake will gradually disappear.

Moreover, the scenario of all the people in the world eating only vegetables is very unrealistic. The choice of which types of food to eat is of one’s own privilege and no one is allowed to impose their opinions on other people. Besides, if everyone turns into vegetarians, this may have a bad effect on the world’s economy, especially on the meat production industry. Without customers to consume their products, a great number of companies and factories would be closed and thousands of its employees might become unemployed.

In conclusion, meat is necessary for human development and people should include reasonable proportions of meat and vegetable in everyday diets.

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It goes without saying that serving enough diet for our body through meal with meat, fish, egg even vegetable is extremely vital, especially for development of children or adolescent people. However, some people who should comply a particularly diet with principal menu do not contain dishes that related to meat to prevent or avoid some certain diseases. In my belief, all of people are not necessary to become vegetarian to keep healthy. The consequent causes will cover for my mentioned opinion.

First of all, young people need a large range of pivotal diets to intend for comprehensive development, especially their bone system and brain. Therefore, in their meal should be included variety of kind of food such as meat, fish, flour as well as vegetable in preference to simple menu that only has food of vegetarian. Because numerous substances like protein, fat ... in animal meat support and promote digestion and convertion food and energy in human body. A lot of experts with their researches about functional foods gave helpful advices for people in developing ages that they shoud have a balance of diet with natural foods. In that list contain meat and a lot of kind of fresh vegetable.

Further and even more importantly, animal meat contributes in process of development of resistance system of people. Thus, supplementing trace substances such as iron, copper elements for body from meat, particularly red meat is extremely momentous for keeping a strong health. However, a proven fact that a special diet without meat is realy good and bring many benefits for human health. People can avoid obesity, cancer and variety fatal illnesses like heart problems or neural system.

By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm that people should consider suitable and scientific diet with ages and try to keep good health by concentrating given advantages of a lot of kind of green vegetable.


(312 words)

Written Thuy Duong

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To a certain extant I agree that eating meat too much harm healthy, cause obesity and many serious diseases. How ever, I also believe that vegetarianism does not turn out for every one, speacially  the one lacked nutrients and amin acid.

On the one hand, vegetarian options provide various vitamin, fiber and minerals which contribute to life time of good health.  These nutrients not only help the digestive system operate well but also decrease the risk of being obese or high blood pressure. Moreover, vegetarianism plays a vital role in preventing the ageing and effectively prolonging. For example, the  Japanese in Okinawa well-known with the longest life expectancy maintain  the dietary meals  with mainly soy, dark vegetable, and rich- fiber fruit.

On  the other hand, meat is the most convinent protein source availble. It adds  all the essential amino acids as well as iron, and B vitamin to serve the metabolic system while most plant foods do not provide adequate levels of those in single serving.  Another point support this view is that a meat centered  diet can help weight loss. Because it take fewer calories to get protein fromlean meat than it does from vegetable. In fact, most fitness coachs owning qualified and fresh body are due to adopt  the diet with meat accounting for more 50%.

In conclusion, It seems to me that the vegetarianism is  an optional choice  for people , but before deciding, people need  advices from their doctors.
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 Recently, a number of people have intention to be on a vegetarian diet as they think fat-containing foods such as meat are doing harm to their health.In my view, I strongly disagree with this idea

    Firstly, the primary reasons opposing to the idea is that meat provides us an enormous variety of nutrition factors. By eating meat , people will have an sufficient energy to work, study or do many leisure activities.For instance, vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 are indispensable for human being. A survey indicates that people who suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency are often lead to Alzheimer Disease while residents who lack of vitamin D3 are sometimes diagnosed with cancers.

  Another contributing factor is that meat is essential for adolescence's growth. This means that the youths combining meat with daily diets are strikingly healthier than the others.In other words ,young residents do not have preference in vegetarianism due to their eating habits.Because they find it easy to eat meat than a solely vegetable meal.Of course, vegetarian diets have its own obvious benefits but eating merely vegetable will cause many health problems when our body are not supplied a source of protein or fat elements.

In conclusion, it is my firm belief that people should better eat meat than follow a vegetarian diets.Meanwhile, eating options are up to individual 's preference.But I think eating meat will help us to have adequate nutrient and prevent many serious diseases.


42 points

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