IELTS task 2 - Everyone should become vegetarian because they don not need to eat to have healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?
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Vegetarianism has evolved as a noticeable topic consideration among society. There exists a common belief that having vegetarian diet is better for health than eating meat. While I agree with that point of view, I believe that taking a balance diet between vegetables and meat is a greater choice.

On the one hand, there are ranges of benefits encouraging people to choose vegetarian diet. Vegetables and fruits play as crucial supplement of many essential vitamins and fiber to nourish our body. They also contain abundant of calories which can convert into energy to serve our activities all day. Moreover, without holding cholesterol, people can freely eat but get any anxiety about overweight or obesity. It’s really healthy choice to be vegetarians.

On the other hand, it’s not an efficient meal without any meat. First in reality, consuming much of vegetables make your body lack of numerous vital vitamins like B6, B12, … and minerals, which is major elements in maintaining blood circulation as well as boosting immune system and resistance of body, more important that it’s only available in meat. Second, despite some harmful effects of over consuming meat, in some case, eating meat is also necessary. For example, children need more animal protein when growing up or more calcium to strengthen their bonds and teeth, which only provide by pork, eggs, fish, lamb, etc… Besides, the calories come from meat supplied more than those are taken from vegetables. So, we cannot totally delete meat out of daily diet.

To conclusion, vegetarianism also help us get into healthy eating lifestyle, but we should not completely stop consuming meat. Put a moderation in eating vegetables and meats will be an appropriate diet plan to protect our health.
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