IELTS Task 2-HOPPIES- some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult to be enjoyable. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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Everyone always have their own hobbies which would be sports sophisticated videos games or even reading books. It is said that hobbies have to be challenging in order to be pleasure. In my opinion, easy hobbies could also make people happy. Therefore, I certainly disagree with that statement.

On the one hand, people may consider simple activities as their hobbies. In particular, many people at all ages are really fond of reading books. You do not have to put a lot of effort into it. For example, I have spent all day just to read a interesting adventure story named “Harry Potter”. I still have a sense of delight though I only read a book. With a friend of mine, he is always sharing his giant beautiful stamp collection. Collecting stamp is absolutely his soul hobby which is not difficult to achieve.

On the other hand, other people do demanding activities to keep themselves amused. If anyone is keen on mountain climbing, they might think about finding a trainer and practice for months. You would also spend a great amount of money and try fighting with the feeling of altitude scary. When you experience it successfully, you really feel alive. Some people find  play an instrument like their hobby as well. With a beginner, playing guitar is not easy as eating a piece of cake, they have to learn and practice with a strong mind and patience. Doing challenging hoppy make them satisfying.

In conclusion, some people believe that their hobbies are just through difficult activities, while others think they could feel pleasure when they do some simple things. I am in opinion that hobbies can be either difficult or easy things.
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- Everyone always (have) --> has (Everyone chỉ 1 người)

sports (dấu phẩy??) sophisticated videos games or even (reading) books (cái này theo ý mình chỉ cần 'books' thôi vì 2 cái vd đầu đang là danh từ thì cái cuối cx phải là danh từ nó mới cân)

-  2 câu cuối mở bài kết hợp lại vs nhau: (In my opinion, easy hobbies could also make people happy; therefore, I certainly disagree with that statement.)

 - Thân bài dùng hơi nhiều câu đơn, phải dùng câu ghép, phức để tăng điểm. Ví dụ: (In particular, many people at all ages are really fond of reading books. You do not have to put a lot of effort into it) thêm tự nối giữa 2 câu như 'as' hay 'since' để gộp lại thành 1 câu

- 'a interesting' :) article, chết vì mấy lỗi này đáng tiếc lắm nên chú ý nhé

- Some people find play(ing) an instrument like their hobby (cụm này nghe nó hơi lạ, thay bằng entertaining hay bất cứ synonym j của ẹnoyable nghe hợp hơn) as well.

- playing guitar is not easy as eating a piece of cake ('piece of cake' theo mình nó hơi 'văn nói' ko hợp với văn academic lắm)

- Nói chung ý tưởng bạn ổn, chỉ mấy lỗi sai về grammar. 

Mình có thể chưa cover hết các lỗi, mong bạn thông cảm nếu mình có sai sót :) Bạn cx nên tham khảo thêm các bài mẫu vì tuy bạn có ý tưởng nhưng cách diễn đạt nó chưa phức tạp (ít nhất và với mình) :p


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** Anh Chị ơi cho em xin góp ý với. 

People believe that hobbies need to be difficult to be enjoyable. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

People can have their own hobbies as well as interests and these hobbies are different. Although their hobbies are easy or not, they can be exciting. Therefore, I absolutely disagree with the statement that only difficult hobbies can be enjoyable due to some reasons.

On the first hand, people enjoy their easy hobbies happily. Riding bicycle should be taken into consideration because it doesn’t make any difficulties or afford. I addition to knowing how to control the bike, I only started studying about the Traffic Rules, knew more about the welfares given by riding. I can ride everyday enjoyably. Another hobby of mine is listening to music. I like the rhythm of Folk Music. Like me, personally I think that other people enjoy listening to music if they have a good felling with it.

On the other hand, difficult hobbies are sometimes more interesting. If an activity is more challenging, we might feel a greater sense of satisfaction when we manage to do it successfully. The instance for this is learning a foreign language such as English. I have been learning English for over  seven years and I realized that it needs more determination as well as the courage and I usually wonder that If I would like to be master of English, I have top study more and more, so that I will be able to reach my dream one day.


In brief, both easy and difficult hobbies can be enjoyed with a variety of spectacular reasons. 

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