IELTS Task 2: Every several languages die out. Some people think that this is not importantbecause life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.
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The dead of various rare language in the world is being more and more clear and as a result, the number of languages is declining. However, this lost brings positive infuences for human life so I agree with the opinion that fewer languages will open up opportunities for inhabitants.

            On negative side, the lost of some languages may create difficulties for researchers to explore the features of numerous areas in the world. Hundreds explorers in Asia record that language is one important factor of a country since with this element added on the artefacts, historical anylists can understand the profound life of residents in that area. Moreover, through the information from the heritages they have, beneficial methods in some aspects such as technology can be found and those may be advantageously adapted in modern life.

            Despite the drawback of the language lost, it is undoutly true that this trend will bring positive impacts for people in the world.

            Firstly, it is said to give valuable opportinities for the nearer interaction between nations all around the world. With a small number of languages, the connection of different areas will be less difficult because only those are used for communicating and trading.

            Secondly, a large amount of money invested in education will be undeniably saved. If there are more than 100 languages in the world, educational organizations have to costmuch money to complete lessons of all of them. Nonetheless, when this figure decreases to 50, those organizations only use half of their budgets to create the teaching tools.

            In conclusion, inspite of the problems with researchers to explore history, the trend of few languages is obviously advantageous for both communication and education. Nevertheless, there is a true fact that the lost of rare languages is not critical for human life.

(337 words)

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Mình cũng không thuộc dạng giỏi writing cho lắm nhưng mà bài của bạn sử dụng nhiều từ mình cho là khá hay và ít phổ biến. Cấu trúc câu cũng khá vary và ideas của bạn theo mình là rất tốt. (nhất là mấy cái paragrahs gần cuối)

Tuy nhiên có một vài chỗ mình nghĩ là bạn cần cố gắng khắc phục nhiều hơn, nhất là ở phần mở bài, xuất hiện khá nhiều lỗi word form và ngữ pháp cơ bản (ví dụ như: more clear -> clearer, lost -> loss vì chỗ này là noun, dead -> death cũng cần 1 noun luôn). Nhưng mình nghĩ những lỗi này có thể dễ dàng khắc phục được.

Thêm nữa là bạn nên viết theo kiểu của người nước ngoài (tức là không thụt đầu dòng, các đoạn cần phải có topic sentence và 1 câu không phải là 1 đoạn)

^^ rất mong góp ý của mình có thể phần nào giúp được bạn
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