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  In today's world, the prevalance of going international has incredibly expanded among enterprises and corporations around the world. This has created a new global trend that holds both merits and demerits, as will be examined below. 
  There are a number of visible beneficial effects brought about by a company's entering the global market. In the first place, this international engagement can help the company gain more profit , which is regarded as the the core and determining factor of a company's success. In the second place, this provides entrepreneurs an opportunity to expand their marketplaces. Going international probably means that the trading market are extended, which will allow various companies to cooperate and transact globally by both sides: selling and purchasing. In addition, this also helps create more demands on account of the much larger number of consumers.  Last but not least, thanks to this increasingly popular trend, a considerable amount of foreign labour force can be taken advantage of. Take Apple as an example, this corporation has made use of the sufficient and affordable workforce in China by locating the 2 largest assembling factories which accounts for over a half of its products, in Shanghai and Shenzhen. 
  Neverthesless, a company also has to face some inevitable challenges when going global. To begin with, a far more competitive market can be the first difficulty.  It is likely that a foreign companies will be involved in a tight competition with many others in the host countries themselves and from all over the world. Secondly, culture discrepancies are of the most concerned issue to almost all entrepreneurs. This includes purchasing and spending habits, local demands, religions and so on which can strongly influence sales as well as the buying power. Finally, politic quotas are often set for foreign corporations by the host nation. Thus, this retriction may negatively exert impacts on the company's sales and profit gained. 
  In conclusion, the growing trend of a company's entering the international trading has shown both its advantageous and counter effects. However, financially speaking, the benefits brought to the company by going international can outweigh the drawbacks.
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