Task 2 - Double action question: Oil replacement for energy!
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Topic: The world is heavily dependent on oil for energy, which is unsustainable due to global warming. What future resource do you think will take oil’s place? Why do you think this?




          Remedies for how to supersede fossil fuels for energy have been being introduced since many scientists warned about the rapid exhaustion of it. Among many ideal solutions, solar energy is proven to have biggest prospect. To make things clearer, this essay will look at some positive ramifications that the development brings to our global.


          For one, power made from sunlight is plentiful and infinite. It is an evedent truth that the sun shines everywhere and forever. At a determined time, if the sun does not appear in a place on the Earth, it does in another. Once the sun releases sun rays, there will be large amounts that are enough to heat or cool in an extensive area. Therefore, the unlimited affluence of solar power has proven itself to be a paramount replacement of oil for energy.


          Secondly, solar energy is clean and safe, which means friendly with the environment. The analyses of researchers from National University will best exemplify this. To them, when the solar panels installed on the roofs of the houses receive sunlight and create energy, there is no smoke, dust or ash into the air like those from the coal and oil’s energy. This will help belittle airborne pollutants and make the atmosphere cleaner and fresher. For this reason, solar energy is once again demonstrated to be the best alternative of oil in producing energy.


          By analyzing the plausibility of the abundance and safety of solar energy, the above look has concisely reinforced the potential of solar power to take over oil. It will solve the problem of resource deficiency and pollution and better living standards. In the future, it is thus hoped that humanity will make full use of solar energy, as well as invent more great options.

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Về nội dung, mình không góp ý nhiều lắm, chỉ sửa một lỗi nhỏ về chính tả như sau:

evedent truth => evident truth


Remedies for how to supersede fossil fuels for energy have been being introduced since many scientists warned about the rapid exhaustion of it. Among many ideal solutions, solar energy is proven to have biggest prospect. To make things clearer, this essay will look at some positive ramifications that the development brings to our global.

          For one, power made from sunlight is plentiful and infinite. It is an evedent truth that the sun shines everywhere and forever. At a determined time, if the sun does not appear in a place on the Earth, it does in another. Once the sun releases sun rays, there will be large amounts that are enough to heat or cool in an extensive area. Therefore, the unlimited affluence of solar power has proven itself to be a paramount replacement of oil for energy.

          Secondly, solar energy is clean and safe, which means friendly with the environment. The analyses of researchers from National University will best exemplify this. To them, when the solar panels installed on the roofs of the houses receive sunlight and create energy, there is no smoke, dust or ash into the air like those from the coal and oil’s energy. This will help belittle airborne pollutants and make the atmosphere cleaner and fresher. For this reason, solar energy is once again demonstrated to be the best alternative of oil in producing energy.

          By analyzing the plausibility of the abundance and safety of solar energy, the above look has concisely reinforced the potential of solar power to take over oil. It will solve the problem of resource deficiency and pollution and better living standards. In the future, it is thus hoped that humanity will make full use of solar energy, as well as invent more great options.


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