critically evaluate whether the cause of deliquent behavior in teenagers is mainly genetic or environmmental. Analyze the effects this behavior has on society
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Many people claim that the bad behavior of adolescents brings negative consequences for individuals and societies. this could be the effect of either environmental factors or genetic. this essay will shed on the role of both sections as well as determine the negative drawback of civilization.

The criminal behavior of youngsters can be caused by genetic. some researches indicate that individual who have criminal biological parent may have greater chance to commit a crime. Additionally, genetic factor plays an important role on inheriting a variety of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders, consequently a genetic background is a sector to be considered. For instance,  Jeremy Strohmeyer was convicted of raping and murdering an eight-year-old girl. he grew up in a loved and supportive family, nevertheless, his father has a history of schizophrenia and criminality syndrome which he suffered from. On the other hand, the environmental factors are known to contribute to adolescent delinquency include violence, permissive families, unstable neighborhood, and lacking education. some research suggests that exposure to violence in their living environment may increase violent behavior in children. According to the experiment on twins, the scientist separates twin into two different living-environment and observe their maturation. When they grow up, this twin has different characteristics, behavior, and thinking as well.  moreover, there are some examples of living and growing in a negative community such as a criminal neighborhood, bad friends, and unhappy families that it is easy for to children learn bad habits and become antisocial.

The high rate of juvenile crime has affected seriously society. there will be lacking security and unsafe for citizens' life. Because of lacking awareness, this young crime can do anything regardless of the effect on others. Furthermore, it has a significant impact on the economy of the country. Due to the fact that increasing the number of adolescent criminals means that decreasing the figure of the future workforce. Most of the adolescent crimes are easy to get trouble with their family relationship. lacking connecting and supporting from their parent that they are easy to become more and more antisocial. it leads to bad consequences for themselves and society.  moreover, growing rapidly in teenager crime has destroyed the connection among people, people are going to avoid to interact with the stranger, they become more vigilant and do not trust anyone.

In conclusion, both genetic and environmental factors play an important role in increasing the rate of teenage crime. Therefore, parents and schools need to educate the youngster carefully to guide them in the right way. About government should have suitable punishment to deter wrongdoing.
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