Critically evaluate whether the cause of delingquent behavior on teenager is mainly genetic or environmental. Analyze the effects this behavior has on society
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In recent years, youth crime is rife, which is a hotly debated issue over the world. Some people argue the reason is genes. However, in my point of view, living surroundings are overwhelmed. In this essay, I will investigate some environmental causes of juvenile delinquent and their effect on social life.

There is observed that environment plays a significant role in upbringing human. To commence with, family is the first school to educate children. As contemporarily parent, almost they support their offsprings full of conditions, sometimes they are so workaholic that forget important responsibility with children. That brings about children's free and uncontrolled lifestyle, they tend to have more wrongful actions and lead to committing crimes. Besides, school educative shortage and befriend with evil-minded peers also produce extremely destructive effects such as defiance, aggression, or even thief, murder, so on. Gradually, these actions are given free rein to develop and hard to adjust. Furthermore, media still brings negative effect on teens. Through bad movies or violent games, they try to imitate negative behaviour or actions to become similar to characters.  That can be slowly formed in their mind and lead them to turn over new leaf.

Deviant manner poses a serious threat to society. Firstly, badly-behaved children often have more chances to get poor performance. They are likely to lose motivation to learn hard and achieve their academic goals, causing their hopeless future. Moreover, youth crimes make society chaotic, lose human value. Due to having a directionless vision, some adolescents intend to commit crimes as a way of making a living, they might do anything even though it can kill or harm someone. Last but not least, committing illegal acts early in adolescence easily creates a culture of negativity and violence, people have a tendency to use extreme or disrespectful language to behave with each other, often leading to conflicts in the organization and in life.

In conclusion, while research strongly indicates a certain extent of genetic predisposition of criminality, I firmly believe that environmental element has predominant in criminal trends. Therefore, it exerts a direct influence on society particularly making chaos and violence in life. Finally, I highly recommend that parent and school should care for children more especially in development age.
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