Online shopping is significantly increasing. What effects does this have on the environment and the types of jobs required?
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In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people who choose to shop online. In my opinion, this change has resulted in both positive and negative impacts on the environment and the employment trend.

In terms of the environment, online shopping, on the one hand, can be quite beneficial. To begin with, buying goods via the invternet may help reduce carbon footprint, fuel consumption, hence air pollution. In particular, one delivery man is usually capable of delivering plenty packages to different customers in just one trip, which saves up much more petrol than the amount that is needed if all buyers drive to the brick-and-mortar stores by themselves. On the other hand, the quantity of paper, cartons and nylon used for the packaging can be enormous and become a source of harmful waste to the environment. Nonetheless, this issue can be dealt with by encouraging the act of recycling and reusing those materials.

The growth of the eCommerce surely had a strong influence on the job market. There may no longer be much requirement for several professions such as offline salesmen and shop security guards for traditional retailers, forcing many people to face unemployment. However, new trends always come along with various new employment opportunities. To be more specific, there will be a burgeoning demand for workers involve in digital marketing, website design and express delivery.

To conclude, it is seen that the popularity of e-shopping has effected our natural surroundings as well as the requirement for types of jobs both positively and negatively but the unfavourable impacts are rather minor in comparison with its perks.

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Mình nghĩ bạn có sai một số chỗ thôi:
(1) In  particular, one delivery man is usually capable of delivering PLENTY OF packages to different customers in just one trip, which saves up much more petrol than the amount that is needed if all buyers drive to the brick-and-mortar stores by themselves

(2) The growth of the eCommerce surely HAS HAD a strong influence on the job market.
(3) there will be a burgeoning demand for workers INVOLVED in digital marketing

(4) it is seen that the popularity of e-shopping has AFFECTED our natural surroundings
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