anybody can use a mobile phone to answer the work and personal calls at any time or 7 days per week. Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both individuals and society?
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In this day and age, the development of modern technology allows human to complete all tasks rapidly and immediately by smart device. There are some people think that this development can cause some detrimental effects on both personal and society. From my perspective, there are outweighed by its benefits

     On the one hand,  it is no denying that people depending on smart phone too much can have some drastic effects on health, especially children. Spending many hours using social working sites such as FB, instar or playing games can be lead to the obesity or eyesight problems. Moreover, doing every tasks by smart device may cause the lack of communicating directly , which can be  potentially result in the timid and unconfident ,even autism of children.

     On the other hand, being able to calls and working all the time by phones is an convenient way to keep in touch with friends and families at anywhere. The smart phone provides user with useful communicating applications such as video calls or free messages that allow people instantly connect to everyone and it is also portable . For instance, exchange students can make international calls for their families in order to ease their homesickness. Another advantage is supporting businessman to enhance their effectiveness. As we are living in era of globalization , the international corporation between companies is common and necessary. Being ale to communicate and discuss with business partners regardless of zones can create large contribution. For example, in stead of  wasting time to preparing and budget for hiring meeting places , conglomerates can hold online meeting which is convenient for staff in far distance or in foreign countries. On a larger scale, this trend also contribute to the development of economy , thus increasing the living standard .

    For all reasons above, despite of some bad effects on human’s health, the use of mobile phones can help people to remain contact and foster the business developing.
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In this day and age, the development of modern technology allows human to complete all tasks rapidly and immediately by smart devices. There are some people who think that this development can cause some detrimental effects on both personal individuals and society. From my perspective, they are outweighed by its benefits

     On the one hand,  it is no denying that people depending on smart phones too much can have some drastic effects on health, especially children. Spending many hours using social working sites such as FB, instagram or playing games can be lead to the obesity or eyesight problems. Moreover, doing every tasks by smart devices may cause the lack of direct communicating directly , which can be potentially result in the timid and unconfident, even autism of children.

     On the other hand, being able to calls and working all the time by phones is an convenient way to keep in touch with friends and families at in anywhere. The smart phones provides users with useful communicating applications such as video calls or free messages that allow people instantly connect to everyone and it is also portable . For instance, exchange students can make international calls for their families in order to ease their homesickness. Another advantage is supporting businessman to enhance their effectiveness. As we are living in era of globalization , the international corporation between companies is common and necessary. Being able to communicate and discuss with business partners regardless of zones/geographical distances can create large contribution. For example, in stead of wasting time to prepare and budget for hiring meeting places , conglomerates can hold online meeting which is convenient for staff in far distance or in foreign countries. On a larger scale, this trend also contribute to the development of the economy , thus increasing the living standard .

    For all reasons above, despite of some bad effects on human’s health, the use of mobile phones can help people to remain contact and foster the business developing.

159 points

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