Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment, only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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Nowadays, evironment is a controversial topic. Some people believe that individuals can not help the environment because it is inefficient. I disagree with this statement and this essay will clarify the idea.

On the one hand, the individuals do something may also save the environment even if it is a small thing. If many people are aware of that, it will create a large number of people to act and there will be a big change in the near future. For example, my uncle is an environmental lover, he always keeps the streets clean as he does not throw rubbish indiscriminately, he always reminds people surrounded him to obey and save the environment. His actions are widely spread and affect many people well. Last month, he run a campaign about saving the Earth. It was attracted many participants. They have planted the tree and scavenged obviously.

On the other hand, “two heads are better than one” so the governments and the large companies can also make a difference. However, there are the cooperation of many people so that requiring each individual to build their mind about the environment. For instance, in America, the government has promulgated a policy to ban the using of plastic bags since 2019. This requires that every citizen must be aware of the impact of plastic bags on the environment and cooperate with the government to help the environment.

In brief, each individual contributes a little to save the environment can make the environment change day by day. Taking action now because the Earth are gradually deteriorating.

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Hope my suggestion helpful to you:

In your second paragraph, this sentence:" the individuals do something may also save the environment even if it is a small thing" shows no coherence. It can be repalced: "small things carried out by individuals certainly contribute to the environmental protection." and "It was attracted many participants." must be "It attracted many participants"

In addition, you used "many" repeatedly, this word can be altered by the others with the same meaning:  plenty of, a range of,...

However, your ideas were profound.

Thanks for reading.

8 points

1 comment

thank you indeed

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