Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment, only governments and large companies can make a difference. agree or disagree?
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   In this day and age, the rapid development of society is associated with the environmental pollution. Many commentators assume that it will be challenging for individuals to do anything for environment , and only the politicians or organizations have ability to solve this problem. From my perspective, I partly agree with this view and the reasons will be discussed in the following paragraphs. 

    There are numerous plausible reasons explaining why individuals strongly affect the living habitats.  If everyone takes responsibilities for their actions for the environment, it will be making a big difference. Firstly , transportation is the main culprit of environmental pollution. Due to the high demand of using private vehicles of each person, there is a substantial amount of Co2 emission discharged to the air. To solve this serious problem, the public can use public transports instead of personal vehicles to reduce the quantity of emission. 

  On the other hand, the government and large companies also play a crucial role in environmental protection. Instead of using materials that disastrous effect to the habitats, they can use some environmental friendly materials in production. For instance, when the manufactures realize that using plastic bag is extremly harmful for environment, they can replace by fabric bags. In addition, the gorvenment should organize trash collection activities in some public places, or encourage residents clean up their living areas frequently. Moreover, the authorities should introduce sanctions for groups or people who littering.

   In conclusion, the government or individuals have a great influence on the habitats. Thus, everyone should enhance environmental protection spirits to build a morden and healthy life. 

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