It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
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Having a trip to a distant natural environment is not an unrealistic thing to do with tourists and scientists anymore in the 4.0 eras with mushroomed technology. While this development may bring about some drawbacks beneficial effects, I assert that they are eclipsed the beneficial effects. On the one hand, visiting unknown destinations can result in unpredictable consequence for tourists and scientists. It strikes on people who travel to these places that if they do not prepare sufficiently, they may be obliged to face risky situations and lead to substantial losses in terms of health and facilities. For instance, the North Pole usually has an extremely low temperature, which can have adverse effects on travellers such as catching the flu, fever or cold. On top of that, tourists may be taken into untrusted travelling companies or organizations that can intimidate their safety. On the other hand, satisfying experience and a conducive environment for scientific research are the most two obvious advantages of the development. First off, tourists will have chances to revel in the breathtaking scenery and adventurous activities which they will never have in normal entertaining places. People can broaden their knowledge by observing the flora and fauna of specific habitats. Visiting foreign countries or historical destinations may become too familiar for travelling lovers; thus, exploring faraway destinations is a new and unforgettable experience with them. Moreover, this development also plays a crucial role in conducting scientific experiments and research for scientists mostly in terms of climate changes and other global issues. For example, scientists succeeded in tracking and reconstructing climate trends and patterns by investigating the layers of the ice core in the North and South Pole. This directly suggests that a number of scientific research has been carried out successfully due to travelling to the remote natural environment. In conclusion, it seems to me that the advantages of travelling to distant natural habitat are more considerable than its disadvantages. However, people still should be aware of the importance of these places and have particular actions to preserve them.
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