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Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others think that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

When students finished high school, they face a decision of whether to find a job or continue their studying at university or college. While many people believe that there are some benefits to carry on their education, I agree with the idea that getting an occupation straight after school would be more beneficial.

On the one hand, there are some factors which point out that studying more is the best way for students to a successful career. It is undeniable that students can have more knowledge and they will be received a certification which can be used for applying for a job. For example, it is impossible to be a doctor or a lawyer without these academic qualifications. Another factor is that after graduated, students can get more job opportunities with higher salaries. Thus, these are two factors account for why many people think that students need yo enter higher education school.

On the other hand, I believe that students should get a job right after their graduation. Firstly, they will have a work which can help them earn money earlier and have an independent life. Secondly, they can gain more experiences in the real world and learn some practical life skills related to what profession they choose. To illustrate, if you were an engineer and you needed to fix a bicycle, you would have a chance to have more fixing experiences than what you learn about it at school. Therefore, , young people who start to work after finishing studying at school may be promoted and become a successful person in their future career.

In conclusion, due to the reasons mentioned above, I am of the opinion that students are more likely to succeed in their future if they begin working right after they graduated.

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Bạn tham khảo bài model essay của mình viết dựa trên ý của bạn nhé!

Upon their high school graduation, students face a dilemma of studies or jobs. While some believe it is better to pursue higher education, I agree with the idea that finding jobs is more beneficial to their careers.

Advocates of pursuing higher education qualifications might believe that possessing profound knowledge and certifications is crucial to a successful career. First, some professions, such as the medical profession or law and justice, require their professionals to obtain relevant qualifications and accreditation. For instance, without obtaining medical degrees or completing their training sessions at medical schools, it is considered illegal to practice medicine. Second, a wide range of employment opportunities with better compensation and higher salaries are open to those who have acquired a deep understanding of their fields. For instance, mechanical engineers with master's degrees in mechanical engineering in Canada earn an annual wage of around $100,000 compared to those who have no equivalent qualifications and have labor jobs, such as machine operators, earn about $40,000 annually. 

However, I believe that high school graduates ought to find jobs right after leaving high school. The primary reason is students who learn to make money at a young age tend to develop an independent life later. This leads them to live on their incomes instead of asking their parents for monthly allowances for their miscellaneous personal spending, and hopefully, they would become self-reliant and self-esteemed adults. Another benefit of working after high school is to prepare valuable hands-on experience of the job for high school graduates. For example, since skilled trades jobs, such as electricians or carpenters, are growing in demand in Canada and not requiring academic certifications, students enrolling in trades majors would have better career prospects in years to come.

In conclusion, even though there are clear benefits of pursuing higher education, I am convinced that getting jobs after graduation has even greater positive impacts on people's lives.



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