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Research shows that business meetings, discussion and training are happening online nowadays. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

We are now living in a world where people use the Internet more often, for various purposes, even for conferences, talks, seminars and coaching. From my point of view, this trend is advantageous although it illustrates some drawbacks.

First, it is undeniable that we mostly depend on Wi-Fi to use the Internet. Therefore, it will be a big problem for us when there is no Wi-Fi system at our places, so we cannot contact people via social media to facetime. Second, it is sometimes difficult for us to do everything through a screen. For example, when we do some wrong movements on yoga, the trainer will find it easy to show us how incorrect we are if we join the class in person, yet it will not if we learn online. It is difficult for us to fix the movements and imitate the correct ones by words and images.

Otherwise, some benefits that this trend gives us are plentiful. One of them is that we can talk to people however far we go. This function is necessary to people who are always constantly busy moving to different destination for business, especially bosses and leaders. When they are on business in Europe, for instance, then they can simply turn on the computer which is contacted their companies in Asia to discuss or control their meeting from their position. Thereby, every unexpected problem can be immediately effectively solved without the presence of the bosses. Moreover, it helps them to save time a lot. People can finish their work and join an online course or conference at the same without spending time going to the destinations at all.

In brief, while online meetings and study negatively affect humans, I believe that their strengths outweigh these, because people benefit from their advantages more.
55 points

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Research shows conferences , conversation and preparing are occurring on the web these days . Do the focal points exceed detriments
Mở bài mk thấy vt thế này hay hơn

From my point of view, this trend is advantageous although it illustrates some drawbacks --------- paraphrase lại thành: 

From my perspective, this pattern is invaluable in spite of the fact that it delineates a few downsides.


7 points


Theo mình thì chỉ cần viết đơn giản là được:

Personally, I believe the benefits of this trend would eclipse the drawbacks.
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