Mọi người ơi, chữa hộ em bài writing này với ạ :3 Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
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It is believed that the Internet has a strong impact on people in every aspects. Therefore, some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. In my opinion, the drawbacks of applying online courses are far more considerable than the benefits of this trend.


On the one hand, offering online courses is advantageous in several certain aspects. First, one of the main positive points of this trend is that students can learn without going to school. Nowadays, the Corona virus has a strong effect on people around the world. The Government has allowed students not to go to school but not studying means the qualifications will be worsened. There appears some suggestions that students can study online instead of going to school. It is convenient for us to avoid the virus at low cost. Second, another benefit is that online courses enable us to have a flexible schedule. Both teachers and students can rearrange the lessons if they are busy. That is why online courses are now the best solution every universities must consider.


On the other hand, the disadvantages of offering online courses are more significant than the advantages. In the first instance initial, the main negative point of applying an online course is the lack of regular face - to - face interactions between students and teachers. It leads to the fact that teachers cannot guide students. Second, the restriction is that online courses are ineffective for disciplined students. They may not apply to the classes and it is the reason for the appearances of different levels in education. Another major drawback of offering the courses is that students who live in rural areas cannot get access to the online courses due to the lack of equipment. In other word, there are numerous disadvantages for us to reconsider about learning online. 


In conclusion, universities create online courses as the second choice for students, however, this trend has both advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, in my view, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits so we need to have more ideas to solve this problem. 

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It is believed that the Internet has a strong impact on people in VARIOUS aspectS. Therefore, some universities offer online courses as an alternative to THE COUNTERPART delivered on campus. In my opinion, the drawbacks of applying online courses are far more considerable than the benefits of this trend.



On the one hand, offering online courses is advantageous in several certain aspects. First, one of the main positive points of this trend is that students can learn without going to school. THESE DAYS (dùng these days thay cho nowadays nhé bạn, vì cách dùng nowadays người chấm có vẻ không thích lắm), the(nó giống như cái tên người vậy đó bạn, và tên chúng ta thì k có mạo từ trước đó nhé) Coronavirus has a strong effect on people around the world. The Government has allowed students not to go to school but not studying means the qualifications will be worsened. There appear (danh từ phía sau số nhiều, động từ k thêm "s/es") some suggestions that students can study online instead of going to school. It is convenient for us to avoid the virus at a low cost. Second, another benefit is that online courses enable us to have a flexible schedule. Both teachers and students can rearrange the lessons if they are busy. That is why online courses are now the best educational method every universities (every university - every/each + N số ít) must consider.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of offering online courses are more significant than the advantages. In the first instance, the main negative point of implementing an online course is the lack of regular face-to-face interactions between students and teachers. It leads to the fact that teachers cannot effectively convey lessons to students. Second, the DOWNSIDE is that online courses are ineffective for disciplined students. They may not apply to the classes and it is the reason for the appearance of different levels in education. Another major drawback of offering the courses is that students who live in rural areas cannot get access to the online courses SMOOTHLY due to the lack of equipment (terrible Internet connection). In other words, there are numerous disadvantages for us to reconsider (ponder upon) about learning online. 


In conclusion, universities create (develop) online courses as a substitute option for students; however (nonetheless), this trend has both advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, In my view (From my perspective), the drawbacks outweigh the benefits; hence, we need to have more (come up with) feasible avenue to tackle this problem. 



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