Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like. Is it good for children? What are the consequences when they grow up?
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From the distant past to the present day, parents always love and wish all the best will come to their children. However, there are some parents who think that meeting all of their demands will be the best way to satify their children. I completely think that it is not good for them.

There are a variety of reasons why parents should not do that in terms of behaviors and thoughts. For a start, pampering offsprings results in them not behaving correctly towards everyone, not to mention being unsuitable for their ages. Besides, children who are in the habit of violence will become more and more aggressive, even lose control of their actions and lead to unexpected incidents. Secondly, children’s thoughts and characters are affected badly by the indulgence. Actually, once a child is spoilt, he is not only disdainful of others but also disrespectful to friends or relatives. But perhaps more damagingly, it makes them greed, selfishness and the feeling of entitlement.

Apart from the practical drawbacks expressed above, this educating method for offsprings has a harmful influence on their growth. The first negative aspect is problem-solving skills. Very often, those who are indulged will not have ability to sort out difficulties when they run up against it. Little by little, this thing becomes social barriers which prevent children from integrating the community. An additional effect is that kids can not find something to inspire or encourage them. In this way, they will lose motivation, even have no sense of making attempts to overcome challenges.

All in all, there are clearly negatives to spoiling children. Personally, I think that parents should weigh up in pampering their kids to avoid bad consequences for children’s future.

From the distant past to the present day, parents always love and wish all the best will come to their children. However, there are some parents who think that meeting all of their demands will be the best way to satify their children. I completely think that it is not good for them.

There are a variety of reasons why parents should not do that in terms of behaviors and thoughts. For a start, pampering offsprings results in them not behaving correctly towards everyone, not to mention being unsuitable for their ages. Besides, children who are in the habit of violence will become more and more aggressive, even lose control of their actions and lead to unexpected incidents. Secondly, children’s thoughts and characters are affected badly by the indulgence. Actually, once a child is spoilt, he is not only disdainful of others but also disrespectful to friends or relatives. But perhaps more damagingly, it makes them greed, selfishness and the feeling of entitlement.

Apart from the practical drawbacks expressed above, this educating method for offsprings has a harmful influence on their growth. The first negative aspect is problem-solving skills. Very often, those who are indulged will not have ability to sort out difficulties when they run up against it. Little by little, this thing becomes social barriers which prevent children from integrating the community. An additional effect is that kids can not find something to inspire or encourage them. In this way, they will lose motivation, even have no sense of making attempts to overcome challenges.

All in all, there are clearly negatives to spoiling children. Personally, I think that parents should weigh up in pampering their kids to avoid bad consequences for children’s future.
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From the distant past to the present day, parents always love and wish all the best will come to their children. However, there are some parents who think that meeting all of their demands will be the best way to satisfy their children. I completely think that it is not good for them.

There are a variety of reasons why parents should not do that in terms of behaviors and thoughts. For a start, pampering offsprings results in them not behaving correctly towards everyone, not to mention being unsuitable for their ages. Besides, children who are in the habit of violence will become more and more aggressive, even lose control of their actions and lead to unexpected incidents. Secondly, children’s thoughts and characters are affected badly by the indulgence. Actually, once a child is spoilt, he is not only disdainful of others but also disrespectful to friends or relatives. But perhaps more damagingly, it makes them greed, selfishness and the feeling of entitlement.

Apart from the practical drawbacks expressed above, this educating method for offsprings has a harmful influence on their growth. The first negative aspect is problem-solving skills. Very often, those who are indulged will not have the ability to sort out difficulties when they run up against it. Little by little, this thing becomes social barriers which prevent children from integrating the community. An additional effect is that kids can not find something to inspire or encourage them. In this way, they will lose motivation, even have no sense of making attempts to overcome challenges.

All in all, there are clear negatives to spoil children. Personally,(personally causes tautology)I think that parents should weigh up in pampering their kids to avoid bad consequences for children’s future.

P/s: I'm not a English master, so  all the mistakes are fixed based on my knowledge and other grammar fixing websites.

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