Task 2 Task 2: Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like. Is it good for children? What are the consequences when they grow up?
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For over the past few decades there has been a phenomenon in which parents allow their kids to do whatever they like and fulfill their requests regardless of their reasonableness. For me, that tendency might pose some threats due to the following reasons which shape the kids’ future.

First of all, indulging kids too much could lead to their conditional obedience. To be specific, if parents keep rewarding their children for doing chores or getting high marks, gradually kids will learn the fact that they will get rewarded for whatever they do. Consequently, they will refuse to do such things which are supposed to be their duties unless there is something in payback.

Secondly, gifting children too much might affect the filial relationship. To be specific, parents’ finance ability is limited whereas their kids’ demand is not. At the certain time, parents’ will be incapable of fulfilling their children requests. Apparently, kids never know the underlying truth and will be aggressive negatively to get what they want at any costs such as verbal or even physical abuse to their parents. Therefore, parents will get trapped in a vicious cycle of meeting their kids’ demand and incapability of doing so.

So due to those above reasons, kids’ future could get badly affected. As a matter of fact, if children always demand rewards at the expense of their parents’  financial capability, they will turn out to be selfish. In a long-term, this refers to the fact that they do not care about others’ feeling; thus, they can not work as a team. In such a collaborative environment context nowadays, that flaw might get them rejected from most organizations.

In conclusion, over-rewarding children could lead to many consequences. Parents should be more conscious in gifting their kids to avoid such threats from happening.
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For over the past few decades, there has been a phenomenon in which parents allow their kids to do whatever they like and fulfill their requests regardless of their reasonableness. Personally, that tendency might pose some threats due to the following reasons which shape the kids’ future.

First of all, indulging kids too much could lead to their conditional obedience. To be specific, if parents keep rewarding their children for doing chores or getting high marks, gradually kids will learn the fact that they will get rewarded for whatever they do. Consequently, they will refuse to do such things which are supposed to be their duties unless there is something in payback.

Secondly, gifting children too much might affect the filial relationship. To be specific, parents’ finance ability is limited whereas their kids’ demand is not. At a certain time, parents’ will be incapable of fulfilling their children requests. Apparently, kids never know the underlying truth and will be aggressive negatively to get what they want at any costs such as verbal or even physical abuse to their parents. Therefore, parents will get trapped in a vicious cycle of meeting their kids’ demand and incapability of doing so.

Therefore, due to those above reasons, kids’ future could get badly affected. As a matter of fact, if children always demand rewards at the expense of their parents’  financial capability, they will turn out to be selfish. In a long-term, this refers to the fact that they do not care about others’ feeling; thus, they can not work as a team. In such a collaborative environment context nowadays, that flaw might get them rejected from most organizations.

In conclusion, over-rewarding children could lead to many consequences. Parents should be more conscious in gifting their kids to avoid such threats from happening.


11 points

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