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More and more ppl claim that modern work oatterns are a source of stres. What do yu think are the causes of this? Can you suggest some possible solutions?

It is believed that in this industrialized century, there are a rising numbers of people being constantly pressurized by modern work style. Although several causes can be responsible for this tendency of attitude, some solutions could be proposed to properly solve this recent issue.

One of the main reasons leading to this notion is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. As working environment has become more and more competitive due to the general improvement of global economic, workers have to take their career more seriously by working ten times harder in order to prove their potential abilities and even their position in the company. Additionally, hours and hours of extra working can obviously cause them constant lack of sleeping, frequent tiredness and an unsure physical condition. A strictly-ruled working environment has, in turn, led to an anxiety state of employees’ psychological mind, which is another contributing factor. And because of frequently dealing with as sour as vinegar superiors and competitive atmosphere between colleagues for career advancement, both blue-collar and white-collar workers can possibly get an aggressive attitude.

So what can be done? I believed that the problem has to be tackled on a number of levels. As individuals, people should improve their social life at work place by being surrounded by positive energy from other positive coworkers or finding certain healthy activities to ease their mind after stressful work. Companies need to create a more relax working vibe, incorporate more vacations into usual working schedule for the workers and balance between working and private life so as to fully activate their employees capacity. However, it seems that real work has to be done on a national level. The government need to create an enabling environment where workers having ability can  have a right preferential treatment so that they are motivated to keep on with their job and resist getting anxiety.

To conclude, as life improved and modern work patterns having workers constantly frustrated, there are many causes from various elements that we could blame for. But at the end of the day, there is nothing we cannot tackle without the serious steps taken from both owners bussiness organization and the governments.

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Kết bài quá dài và lang mang, kết bài phải khẳng định lại ý kiến của mình chứ ko phải là thêm ý kiến
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cảm ơn lời nhận xét của bạn rất nhiều nhé, mình sẽ rút kinh nghiệm vì đây mới là lần đầu mình viết dạng bài này thôi! Bạn thấy sao về phần body, với cả có tips nào ko tại mình thấy mình còn hơi dài dòng í

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