Temperature of Cano City in 2008 and the average temperature from 1977 to 2007
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The line graph gives information about the average temperature of Cano City in the past 30 years and that in 2008.

Overall the temperature in 2008 was above the average. The temperature of two lines had the same trend, were highest in the middle and lowest at the beginning and the end.

The temperature in 2008 increased slightly from minus ten degree in January to around zero in February, and that of two firstly months in 2008 were about two degrees before the average. The temperature in March and April remained roughly the same as the average, increasing from approximately eight degrees to nearly 21 degrees respectively.

The highest temperature appeared in mid-August, hitting a peak of over 35 degrees, nearly four degrees above the average. The temperature declined sharply from the end of August to December by around the 40s. In the last few months of the years, the temperature was close to that of the average, but it was still one or two degrees higher.


72 points

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1 Answer

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Hi Hoang Gia, mình có góp ý bạn xem qua nhé. 

The line graph gives information about the average temperature of Cano City in the past 30 years and that in 2008 => in two periods of time, namely from 1977 to 2007 and 2008

Overall the temperature in 2008 was above the average, => the temperature in 2008 was higher a little compared with the temperature in 30 years ( câu này bạn mô tả ko rõ ràng thông tin) The temperature of two lines had the same trend, which or these were highest in the middle and lowest at the beginning and the end

The temperature in 2008 increased slightly from minus ten degree in January to around zero in February, and that of two firstly first months in 2008 were about two degrees before the average( ko hiểu ý diễn đạt chổ này của bạn). The temperature in March and April remained roughly the same as the average ( chử này có thể dại diện cho nhiệt độ 2008 và 30 năm bạn mặc định the average là đại diện cho 30 năm là không đúng roài ) , increasing from approximately eight degrees to nearly 21 degrees respectively.

The highest temperature appeared in mid-August, hitting a peak of over 35 degrees, nearly four degrees above the average. The temperature declined sharply from the end of August to December by around the 40s. In the last few months of the years, the temperature was close to that of the average, but it was still one or two degrees higher.

287 points

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