The graph below gives information from a 2008 report about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projections until 2030.
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The line graph depicts the amount of energy consumed by fuel types over a period of 50 years, with predictions to 2030.

Overall, it is clear that fossil fuels like petrol and oil have been the dominant source of energy in the US since 1980 and will continue this trend into the future. On the other hand, nuclear, hydropower and solar/wind are consumed less than other types of fuels.

The consumption of petrol and oil stood at the highest number of 35 quadrillion units (q) in the year 1980, followed by a substantial rise to roughly 40q in 2008. This upward trend is set to continue through 2030, with 50q consumed by Americans in the final year. Natural gas and coal came in second and third place in 1980, with around 20q and 16q, respectively. Whilst the former is forecast to increase steadily over the years and overtake natural gas to finish at the second-highest number of 30q in 2030, the latter is likely to reach 25q in 2015 and plateau until the end of the period.

In contrast, nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower accounted for just 4q in 1980. From then, usage of nuclear and solar/wind energy has increased slightly to over 5q but the opposite is true for hydropower. The prediction is that in 2030, nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower consumption will reach the mark of 7q, 5q and 2q in that order, still lower than other types of energy.

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The graph below gives information from a 2008 report about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projections until 2030.

Trong đề có Future Tense bạn cần lôi vào.

Mình thay projections bằng predictions và giữ nguyên cấu trúc.

Mình cũng bỏ cụm since 1980 nếu đã có cụm over a period of 50 years như của bạn. 

The line graph illustrates energy consumption by fuel in the United States over a period of 50 years, starting from 1980.

Trong hình thấy rõ bao nhiêu qu cho từng dây nên mình mạnh dạn dùng cụm the amount of energy consumed.

Có thể đổi by fuel của hình (nếu muốn, giữ nguyên vẫn ổn) thành by fuel types hoặc using from different sources of energy

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