Bài IELTS Task 1 chiều 12/01 - The average number of visits per young adult pays to different types of establishment per year in selected countries
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  writing task 1 table


The table illustrates the number of visits every young adult pays to different types of formations per year in selected countries. Noticeable, pubs and bars  in Italy and Britain occupy the largest number of visits per young adult to pay, but  in France bowling is the lowest.

At the first glance it is clear that the consumption for Cafes and Pubs& Bars  are more than Nightclubs.   Germany  occupies  the largest number of using money on  nightclubs about 8,1 and the lowest is in Italy. Cafes in Britain have the most consumption, it forges approximately 23,5 and Italy too, about 22,5. With Pubs & Bars really make the young adult enjoy to when the number of them to pay for Pubs&Bars are bout 48,3 in Italy, 39,4 in Britain and 30,1 in France.

With the number of visits per young adult pay to Restaurants and Fast food outlets, you can see the slight difference. Restaurants in Italy occupy 17,9 are the most and lowest are in Germany about 12. Besides that, 17,3 for France and 13,2 for Britain, the number are really considerably.

About the number of young adult to use money on Cinemas and Fitness centres are higher than Bowling. The lowest number of Bowling is in France around 0,9 and the highest is 2,6 but it is really still low in average. Comparing the number of visits per young adult pays to Cinemas with Fitness centres noticeable that it’s a considerable fluctuation. Example in France the number of young adult enjoy Cinemas about 7,3 are higher than Fitness centres about 2,6 but in Britain the quantity of enjoy Cinemas occupy around 5 while Fitness centres are higher than Cinemas around 13,3 or in Italy young adult enjoy Cinemas more than Fitnes centres about 7,5.



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