Topic: In your opinion, should young people choose their professions or should their parents choose for them?
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Recently, students face the dilemma of whether to comply with a defined career path or to apply for any their preferred areas of jobs. In my opinion, I strongly believe young people should be free to choose their future professions.

On the one hand, there is no denying a huge assistance of parents on future career paths of students. Firstly, some occupations gaining enormous popularity for parents are more likely to be beneficial than other certain jobs. Doctors, engineers, for example, can provide more job opportunities, career profession, better salaries, and therefore an improved quality life for young people who take them. Secondly, compared to the limitation of inadequate provision of career orientation as well as the lack of student‘s experiences on the job, obviously, useful advices from parents act as a good remedy for their choice of occupation. With their parents accumulating a range of valuable knowledge in long term, they can have a well-rounded perspective about life. Hence, they can be capable of knowing about the requirements of various jobs and essential features which create the future prosperity of learners.

On the other hand, it is advisable that young people be at liberty to do what they like and who they are in the future. In this case, they can get a great sense of job satisfaction. By all enthusiasm and endeavors on the road they actively follow objectives, such young people can easily find the inspiration and happiness on that daily tasks in the workplace. From a psychological perspective, that students choose their professions can diminish several mental issues. As a matter of fact, many learners adhere to the decision of their parents, even though they have not enough ability to do it. As a result, due to peer pressure on the competitive working environment, they can not only feel the sense of isolation, but also the negligence on social relationships.

In conclusion, young people should choose their occupation and their parents is advisable to support their children on such roads, rather than compel

them to do what they dislike.
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1 Answer

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Recently, students face the dilemma of whether to comply with a defined predetermined career path or to apply for any their preferred areas of jobs. In my opinion, I strongly believe young people should be free to choose their future professions.

On the one hand, there is no denying a huge assistance of parents on future career paths of students. Firstly, some occupations gaining enormous popularity for parents are more likely to be beneficial than other certain jobs. Doctors, engineers, for example, can provide more job opportunities, career profession (what do you mean?), better salaries, and therefore an improved quality life for young people who take them. Secondly, compared due to the limitation of inadequate provision of career orientation as well as the lack of student‘s experiences on the job, obviously, useful advices from parents act as a good remedy for their choice of occupation. With their parents accumulating a range of valuable knowledge in long term, they can have a well-rounded perspective about life. Hence, they can be capable of knowing about the requirements of various jobs and essential features which create the future prosperity of learners.

On the other hand, it is advisable that young people be at liberty to do what they like and who they are in the future. In this case, they can get a great sense of job satisfaction. By all enthusiasm and endeavors on the road they actively follow objectives, such young people can easily find the inspiration and happiness on that from daily tasks in the workplace. From a psychological perspective, that students choose their professions can diminish several mental issues. As a matter of fact, many learners adhere to the decision of their parents, even though they have not enough ability to do it. As a result, due to peer pressure on from the competitive working environment, they can not only feel the sense of isolation, but also the negligence on social relationships.

In conclusion, young people should choose their occupation and their parents is advisable to support their children on such roads decisive occasions, rather than compel

59 points

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