Fast food is becoming a part of our daily life. Some people argue that fast food has negative effects on our lifestyle and diet. Do you agree or disagree?
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In the modern world, fast food appears more frequently in our daily life. Some people

argue that fast food takes bad effects on our lifestyle and diet. I completely agree with this idea for some reasons.

Firstly, our health is negatively influenced by regularly consuming fast food. In constrast to the fact that fast food appeals to our appetites, it can not meet our needs for nutrition for a day of work. Consuming fast food can only satisfy our hunger but it does not provide a sufficient amount of nutrients required for a good diet. For example, the proteins are so necessary for the teenagers’ growths but it can not be supplied enough by fast food. In addition, such fast food as chips or fried chickens are often cooked through overused oils which if increasingly ingested will cause many serious diseases.

Secondly, the habit of eating fast food spoils our common tradition of family meals. Having meals with family has been long a popular way by which people share their sadness and happiness during a day. Moreover, during family meals, parents take chance of educating their children about how to behave politely to other people and to deal with problems in life.  However, our daily life is becoming much busier, as the result of this people tend to have their meals at fast food stores rather than at their home. The association among a family's members is therefore no longer existent.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend that people should reduce the intake of fast food in their daily lives in order to make a healthy lifestyle.

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Hello  babys0s0190, this is a very good essay, I have no suggestions for your arguments stated in the essay, just some minor changes as follow:

In the modern world, fast food appears more frequently in our daily life. Some people

argue that fast food takes bad effects on our lifestyle and diet. I completely agree with this idea for some reasons.

Firstly, our health is negatively (adversely) influenced by regularly consuming fast food. In constrast to the fact that fast food appeals to our appetites, it can not meet our needs for nutrition for a day of work. Consuming fast food can only satisfy our hunger but it does not provide a sufficient amount of nutrients required for a good diet. For example, the proteins are so  very necessary for the teenagers’ growths, but it can not be supplied enough by fast food (provide some data comparing the calories of one normal meal and one fast food meal will be more convinving). In addition, such fast food as chips or fried chickens are often cooked through overused oils which if increasingly ingested will cause many serious diseases.

Secondly, the habit of eating fast food spoils our common tradition of family meals. Having meals with family has been long a popular way by which people share their sadness and happiness during a day. Moreover, during family meals, parents take chance of educating (educate is enough)their children about how to behave politely to other people and to deal with problems in life.  However, our daily life is becoming much busier, as the result of this people tend to have their meals at fast food stores rather than at their home. The association among a family's members is therefore no longer existent. exists.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend that people should reduce the intake of fast food in their daily lives in order to make a healthy lifestyle.( and to maintain the tradition of family gathering for meal)

177 points

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thank u so much :))

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