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The graph compares the proportion of people who had access to the Internet in three selected countries, namely the US, Canada, Mexico from 1999 to 2009.
As can be seen from/ in the chart, the three nations saw considerable growth in internet usage in the period shown. Canada was ranked first in the percentage of people who had having internet connection and enjoyed the highest yearly growth rate.
In 1999, USA, the country with most the highest percentage of people using internet, represented about 20 %. The figures were lower in Canada and Mexico, at about roughly 15% and 10% respectively. It is noted that in 2002, Canada surpassed USA at about nearly 50% of people with internet penetration. In 2005, over 70 % of people in Canada and USA went online, while only 25 % Mexicans accessed to the internet.
In 2009, Canada saw the highest proportion of internet users. Nearly 100% Canadians used online services, in comparison with around 80% of Americans and 40% of Mexicans.
Nhận xét: bài bạn viết khá rõ ràng nhưng mình thấy còn 1 số hạn chế "lớn" như sau":
- Biểu đồ này là vừa comparson (giữa 3 nước) vừa trend (thay đổi theo thời gian của 1 đối tượng) nhưng bạn hầu như chỉ có comparison.
- Cách so sánh cũng còn hơi đơn điệu chủ yếu là đưa số liệu, bạn có thể dùng những cách khác như significantly higher, double the figure for ..., still having the lowest/ highest proportion of internet users...
- Cách dùng thời gian In + years lặp hơi nhiều, có thể thay bằng over the next 2 years, at the end of the period, during, between .. and .... một phần do bạn không mô tả trend.
- Cách dùng chủ ngữ cũng nên đa dạng hơn, của bạn hầu hết là USA/ Canada + .... Bạn có thể dùng chủ ngữ là there was .... hoặc, the proprotion/percentage
In 1999, USA, the country with most percentage of people using internet, represented about 20%.
=> In 1999, the percentage of people have internet connection in the US stood at about 20%.