Hope get your comments - what did you study from law school - personal statement to apply school's scholoarship
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Each academic semester gone by, a single generation of students has left a law institute with their ambitious expectations. After graduating, most of former law learners would exercise which fundamental skills collected during their studying period in reality. As the result of their comprehensive dedication, they have achieved outstanding accomplishments in their careers in legal field. However, ironically, such former students have demonstrated ungrateful attitude toward their scholars by verbally sarcastic declarations since they were successfully. For instance, some ex-learners thought that theoretical lessons, as well as, expertise taught in the law faculty are no assistance any more to their careers. I believe that so statements are completely wrong because if the law school did not transfer essential knowledge in relation to legal area, such students would not obtain basic foundation to acquire their expertise in the future. Until now I have trusted that the law school is the place take wing for its seeds by training vital skills.

Obviously, the school has provided many necessary attainments and the first thing I was learnt is an independently-researching-skill. No sooner had I began studying at university of law than I approached to that expertise and I realized that if I would like to perform well in this school I would have to understand clearly its definition and impacts in science. The independent researching skill results in not only when conducting scientific projects but also when dealing with real conflict cases. When I was a freshman, for example, in new studying environment I started to conduct myself an academic topic relating to Marxisim - Leninisim theory. Because in the time I did not study any specific subjects with regard to my civil law major yet, I decided to choose that theme in my research project. And I scratched my characterized tendency by reading a lot of scientific knowledge consisting of legal books, theses, dissertations, etc so that I would be more embedding ideologies of its authors. As the result of that activity, I could compare with each other to figure out what are similar and dissimilar among them and finally I could outline my own perspectives on the researched title. Apart from that abovementioned expertise, I strongly thought that another skill also plays considerable role in legal occupations is logical and critical thinking. Transparently, supposing I speculated any issues, I would consider comprehensively under different angles, not only one side, in order to assess accurately reflected problems. The combination of such know-how generated expectedly beyond outcomes. In practice, when taking part in legal cases in my law firm at which I am working as a legal intern, I also applied that experience to solve them successfully. Once again, I would like to assert that autonomous speculating skill in conjunction with logical and critical thinking, which equipped for law students, are ones of the most important expertness in study as well as in career.

Continuously, if it is said that those above aptitudes are prerequisite conditions, collaborative character between partners will be determined requirement. In theory together with pragmatic activities, the opinion is perfectly true by proved evidence. From my real story, when I was a leader of a learning team including nine members. In that time, I was extremely conservative along with condescending and did not believe in any team partners. Even though I took responsibility for designating missions toward my teammates as well as compiling and editing their researching results, I secretly performed not only my responsibility but also my classmates’ answerabilities. This meant I was in charge of conducting every process to complete a discussing report from reading and selecting valuable information from reference books to the ending steps were drafting and editing progresses without awareness of my squad’s members. Thereby, reports’ aftermath was constantly downgraded remarks whose dominant reason was insufficient collaboration. From that time forth, I have become aware of that cooperation is worthwhile expertise in a rapidly growing society. Moreover, each individual is only good at an intensive area, nevertheless, through mutual interaction, partners could learn and support each other so as to improve their competences.

The previously described paragraphs only mention about studying and labored skills, however, things I have received from the legal institute are more than my description. To be honestly, I have been having a greatest period until now in my life with awesome best friends in spite of our differences about targets in life and career. Friendship is an unlimited dynamic resource that is such an abundant motivation that I can overcome any obstacles regardless of its difficult level. Occasionally, I had to suffocate extremely hard times result from my family’s disputations, I really needed reliable somebody to share my closed narration, and, my best friends are the most ideal option.

On the other hand, beginning from a perpetual principle that a single person cannot exist without others in his or her community; co-existing and co-developing play role as leverage to push human beings’ planet upward much more brilliant future, are a fundamental theory in modern society. Thus, we, all of whom should be responsible members in our residential area, which is the most meaningful lesson activated through social activities held by Youth and Students Associations. No matter where I will pursue for my pathway, I will still dedicate for this country by my best effort.

In conclusion, multiple ex-learners have indicated that nothing on the Earth is completely perfect and life always maintains a loophole between theoretical background and practical utilization, even that is substantial differentiation. Honestly, I accept that declaration, nonetheless, whether a plant’s blossom becomes real without nutrition from its roots or not, and knowledge taught at the law school does too. Although my university cannot grant me achievement immediately, what I am experiencing in the legal academy will become priceless property along with my chosen career, as long as I still never give up my expectations by calming and persistent spirit. 


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