Topic: Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons? Solutions to change negative attitudes? mọi người check và góp ý dùm em nhé
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Today, foreigner guests are somehow believed to have badly affected on the country they visit by many of its people. In my opinion this thinking is so selfishness and outdated. It results in many social problems.

There are not many reasons why people do not welcome their guests but I can list somes. Firstable, bad tourists travel to beatiful destination destroy the place and natural beauty by littering can, nilon package and other rubbishs but then they leave uncleaned beaches, rivers and many kinds of pollutions into the country.  Secondable, today the appearance of terrorists is scaring the people, some terrorisms can supprisingly happen in everywhere and especially in crowded destinations.

The instant solutions to change the attitudes of native citizens is very neccesary. To begin with, bad tourists when travelling must be under the control of the governments such as ban and fine the littering people, moreover the native people's attitudes must be changed to give a hand in guiding and warning the tourists so that they will not have a bad action. Additionally, the check in procedures must be done carefully in order not to let terrorists or illness and disease pass.

The international tourists consolidate other countries's economies and popularity. Therefore solutions must be used to change old attitudes and replace by new better ones.
14 points

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Today, foreigners guests are somehow believed to have badly (try to use more academic words) affected  negatively in the country they visit by many of its people civilians/dwellers. In my opinion , this thinking is so selfishness and outdated (parallelism). It results in many social problems.

There are not many reasons why people do not welcome their guests but I can list somes. (Awkward sentence).
Firstable (First of all), bad tourists travel to beatiful (spelling) destination destroy the place and natural beauty by littering can, nilon (Spelling) package and other rubbish but then they leave uncleaned beaches, rivers and many kinds of pollutions into the country.  Secondable (Spelling), today the appearance of terrorists is scaring the people, some terrorists can surprisingly happen in everywhere and especially in crowded destinations. 

The instant solutions to change the attitudes of native citizens is very necessary. To begin with, bad tourists when travelling must be under the control of the governments such as ban and fine the littering people, moreover the native people's attitudes must be changed to give a hand in guiding and warning the tourists so that they will not have a bad action. Additionally, the check-in procedures must be done carefully in order not to let terrorists or illness and disease pass.

The international tourists consolidate other countries' economies and popularity. Therefore solutions must be used to change old attitudes and replace by new better ones.


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In recent years, travel has become a broad issue to the general public. Many people claim that the international tourism is the bad thing in their country. There are a number of reasons behind this view and several solutions should be adopted by the government and individuals to boost the situation.

On the one hand, there are two primary reasons why the international tourism is the bad thing in their country. The first reason is that many tourists hurt tourism. For example, tourists throw garbage rash in Sam Son beach. The second reason is that many tourists wear shorts, miniskirt and disturb order when they go to the temple. In addition, children are affected by their way dressed.

 On the other hand, several measures could be taken to prevent this problem. The first solution would change negative attitude by the local people. For example, If countries have many tourists, it will experience a phenomenal growth of the economy. A second measure would be the government should transmit for residents about both developed economy and a boost to tourism. Besides that, tourist also creates jobs for us. Furthermore, travel agencies recommend that tourists should respect their traditional culture. For instance, tourists are responsible for garbage.

In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for

the international tourism is the bad thing in their country and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.
14 points

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