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Task:TV has destroyed our life?To what extent do you agree or disagree?

   In contemporary societies theses days,technology has pertained to our lives,neverthless people have blamed TV for deteriorating our daily habits.Personally,I am strongly convinced that TV has improved our quality life.

  First of all,TV is a tremendous source of information.In particular,with an action of switching on the TV,you can watch 24hour-news reporting all events around the world. Besides,you are able to take in life skills broadcast directly to apply to our real lives.

  Second,TV is a quarter of various forms of entertainment.Specifically,how it is unwinding when you are burnout after a hard-working day you can hear a soft melody displayed by the TV.Futhermore,numerous programmes such as comedy,cartoon,romantic or horror films and so on will satisfy all ages'requirements to refresh their minds

  Last but not least,to adjust to technological development,TV has new functions about online access ,which brings more convenience.In this day,you don't need to turn on you computer to use skypes,youtube or facebook,with TV you can easily utilize them.Indeed,even when you want to read online articles,it is faster and handy.However,human beings have to use it properly to make use of it to the max.
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Task:TV has destroyed our life?To what extent do you agree or disagree?
   In contemporary societies theses days,technology has pertained to our lives,neverthless people have blamed TV for deteriorating our daily habits ( giữa technology và TV nên thêm cái gì đấy để nối chúng với nhau ).Personally,I am strongly convinced that TV has improved our quality life.

  First of all,TV is a tremendous source of information.In particular,with an action of switching on the TV,you can watch 24hour-news reporting all events around the world. Besides,you are able to take in life skills broadcast directly to apply to our real lives. ( expand)

  Second,TV is a quarter of various forms of entertainment.Specifically,how it is unwinding when you are burnout after a hard-working day you can hear a soft melody displayed by the TV.Futhermore,numerous programmes such as comedy,cartoon,romantic or horror films and so on will satisfy all ages'requirements to refresh their minds

  Last but not least,to adjust to technological development,TV has new functions about online access ,which brings more convenience.In this day,you don't need to turn on you computer to use skypes,youtube or facebook,with TV you can easily utilize them.Indeed,even when you want to read online articles,it is faster and handy.However,human beings have to use it properly to make use of it to the max.

- mình nghĩ không nên dùng you, thay vào đó nên đổi kiểu câu.

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ban oi cho minh hoi cho expand do nen sua the nao

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