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In developing countries, children in rural communities have less access to education. Some people believe that the problem can be solved by providing more schools and teachers, while others think that the problem can be solved by providing computers and Internet access. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


 It is argued that the rural communities should focus on developing academic departments instead of supplying computer systems. While reasons can be given to justify this, I believe that children can gain a well-rounded education through the usefulnessof internet.

On the one hand, there are those who believe that schools and teachers are essential factors for children to be acquired knowledge. Firstly, children can interact directly with their teacher. When a student need to know about any issues, the educator will provide crucial information for them, and solve their problems in some ways. The interaction between teachers and learners is very important that make much progress in learners’ studies. Secondly, children will be distracted when learning by internet. Actually, they may trade their learning for entertainment because they are attacted by the development of online social networks such as facebook and twitter.

On the other hand, I side with those who are in favour of dealing with the problem by developing computer systems and network access. Studying via the internet has a capable of enriching children’s knowledge because of the flexibility of accesing information and resources. For example, my younger sister is enormously enjoy Japanese. She signed up a Japanese course which is a online class, and she was able to talk with native speakers fluently within three months. In addition, having a chance to learn about that will benefit children greatly when it comes to their later career. Modern jobs will require employees to be familiar with at least some computer applications in order to boost their productivity at work.

In conclusion, it seems to me that providing computer and internet access are of paramount importance despite undeniable benefits of building more schools and recruiting more teachers. (290 words)


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It is undeniable that there are less schooling opportunities for pupils in poor nations, especially in countryside areas. Some people assume the lack of educators and favourable facilities is the root of problem. Meanwhile, technology is supposed by others. Both opinions will be covered in my essay, just as I will state my view later.

To begin with, there is no doubt that the advent of advanced technology has transformed the world significantly including computer and internet. By dint of that, education sphere probably benefits from such inventions. Take my sister for instance, she studied the science courses through internet, which had taken place in Kyunghee University, without going to Korea. The establishment of computer and internet in rural communities is the doable suggestion to pave the way for children to education. Nowithstanding, it requires a certain level of relevant facilities and computer literature.
On sharp contrast to the previous option, providing more education buildings and teachers is the common approach for the issue widely due to some reasons. Firstly, it would fascinate students going to school and studying. Secondly, the face-to-face methodology definitely is the ideal favour for teachers to preach suitably each individual the knowledge. For example, if a student suffers a certain metal health which averts him concentrating on lectures, teacher probably encourages and uses more visual presentations to assist him. Furthermore, labour market probably attains benefit when more teachers fullfill the job vacancies at school.
In conclusion, even human beings are in the computer age, but i prefer providing more schools and teachers so that children have access to education.
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