bài IETLS Task 1 - Line graph - mọi người sửa giúp em với ạ
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The line graph indicates the quantity of pizza, hamburgers, fish and chips by Australian teenagers between 1975 and 2000.

It can be seen from graph the quantity fast food fluctuated dramatically but the trend was upward in the quantity of hamburgers and pizza, while the figures for fish and chips plummeted.

In 1975, fish and chips having the highest number of times eaten were about 100, followed by that of hamburgers stood at 10 and pizza stood at 5. The next ten year period witnessed a significant increase in the number of hamburgers and pizza rose to 95 and 32 respectively. Regarding fish and chips, there were a slight dip in the number of times eaten. Last fifteen year, the number of hamburgers and pizza grown up steadily until 1995 before stabilizing. conversely, the figures for fish and chips plunged. In 2000, the number of times eaten hamburgers was the higest at 100, the number of pizza stood at 85 and the figures for fish and chips were much lower, at nearly 40.

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3 Answers

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The line graph indicates the number of pizza, hamburgers, fish and chips comsumed by  young people Australian  in between 1975 and 2000. theo mình line này nói về lượng tiêu thụ thức ăn chứ không phải số lượng

It can be seen Overall ,from graph the quantity fast of food fluctuated dramatically but there was an  upward trend in the quantity of hamburgers and pizza, while the figures for fish and chips plummeted sharply.

As can be seen, In 1975, fish and chips having is the highest number of times eaten were about 100, followed by that of hamburgers stood at 10 and pizza stood at 5. The next ten year period the number of hamburgers and pizza witnessed a significant increase from  95 to  32 respectively. Regarding fish and chips, there were a slight dip in the number of times eaten. Last fifteen year, the number of hamburgers and pizza grew steadily until 1995 before stable. conversely, the figures for fish and chips plunged. In 2000, the number of times eaten hamburgers was significant the higest at 100.Similarly, the number of pizza stood at 85 and the figures for fish and chips were much lower, at nearly 40.

theo mình bài này nên viết dạng trend vì có mốc thời gian 

1. tu 1975 den 1985 hamberger dang đột biến từ 10 đến hơn 60 và tiếp tục tang thêm 100 sau 15 năm nữa

2 tu 1975 den 1995 piza tăng nhanh sau đó giữ nguyên mức

3 1975 den 1985 giao dông không ởn đinh của  fish va chip nhưng sau đó xu hướng tiếp tục giảm xuống

kết luận hamberger va piza xu huong tăng trong 35 năm còn fish chip có xu hướng giảm.

mà bạn nhầm overall và as can be seen

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1 comment

"until 1995 before stable." có khi phải thành "stabilizing"

"In 2000, the number of times eaten hamburgers was significant the higest at 100" thêm thế này vào sao rối thế đọc chẳng hiểu? :( hay là thành "was significantly high , at about 100" ? Mình đoán thế thôi :(

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Đoạn này mình agree với bạn comment trước "The line graph indicates the number of pizza, hamburgers, fish and chips comsumed by  young people Australian  in between 1975 and 2000. theo mình line này nói về lượng tiêu thụ thức ăn chứ không phải số lượng

It can be seen Overall ,from graph the quantity fast of food fluctuated dramatically but there was an  upward trend in the quantity of hamburgers and pizza, while the figures for fish and chips plummeted sharply." 

tuy nhiên mình bổ sung đó là thời gian đã cho hoàn toàn trong quá khứ vì vậy phải chia đtừ ở QK

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The line graph indicates the quantity of pizza, hamburgers, fish and chips by Australian teenagers between 1975 and 2000.

It can be seen from graph As seen from the line, the quantity fast food fluctuated dramatically but the trend was upward in the quantity of hamburgers and pizza, while the figures for fish and chips plummeted.

In 1975, fish and chips having the highest number of times eaten were about 100, followed by that of hamburgers stood at 10 and pizza stood at 5. The next ten year period the next-ten-year priod witnessed a significant increase in the number of hamburgers and pizza rose to 95 and 32 respectively. Regarding fish and chips, there were a slight dip in the number of times eaten. Last fifteen year, the number of hamburgers and pizza grown up steadily until 1995 before stabilizing. conversely, the figures for fish and chips plunged. In 2000, the number of times eaten hamburgers was the higest at 100, the number of pizza stood at 85 and the figures for fish and chips were much lower, at nearly 40.

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