Some people think that shops should not be allowed to sell food or drinks that are scientifically proven to be bad for people's health. Do you agree or disagree?
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Science has shown that cuisines and beverages which are unhealthy should not appear in the market. It is argued that there has been other benefits of these kinds of food, therefore they seem be traded at shops. In my opinion, I firmly agree with the previous idea that they should not existed in shops.

In one hand, It is strongly believed that much harmful cuisines and useful beverages can cause many dangerous diseases when people abuse eating and drinking. In particular, using massive amount of foods which contain calories, lipids, sugars in the long term like wines, porks and fast foods is likely to lead to the obesity, heart attack or deaseases involved to liver complaint and kidney suffers. So that, consumers should not purchase it.

In other hand,  people may benefit some foods and drinks which have been proofed is harmful to people ‘s health in several aspects. Somebeverages such as botled sugary water, botles of strong wines and beers seem be suggested that people use them within certain limit may acquire some advanges of people ‘s digestion as well as providing energy. Thus, these kinds of foods and drinks may be accepted to consumed in specific cases.

After emphasizing both points of view, in my conclusion, whether or not unheathy cuisines bring to people some benefits, i still think that goverment and officers make legislation that stoped and impose shops selling them a long sentences as soon as possible. In other word, i strongly agree with the idea that junk food and useless beverages will be prohibited due to its advantages.
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Đây là ý kiến riêng của mình ;D

they seem be traded => they seem to be consumed

they should not existed => they should not be displayed

in one hand => on the one hand

harmful cuisines and useful beverages: đoạn này mình ko hiểu lắm ( harmful >< useful)

people abuse eating and drinking => people abuse these types of food.

amount of foods => amount of food

wines, porks and fast foods => bỏ 's'

deaseases involved to => diseases related to

So that => thus,

In other hand => on the other hand

 which have been proofed is harmful to  => which are scientifically harmful to

 seem be suggested => seem to be suggested

within certain limit  => to the certain limit

advanges => advantages

to consumed => to be consumed

After emphasizing both points of view, in my conclusion, => In conclusion, after emphasizing both points of view,

i still think that goverment and officers make legislation that stoped and impose shops selling them a long sentences as soon as possible => I still think that the government should propose some policies that controlled these kinds of food consumed in shops

câu cuối cùng mình đọc không hiểu lắm ??



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