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The bar chart compares how many people joined four different evening courses in 2009, while the pie chart illustrates the result of a survey among people of different ages attending classes.

Overall, what stands out from the bar chart is that Language dominated most courses. It is interesting to note that the age of 50 or above gained in popularity.

The most common classes attended were Language courses with 20 women and 40 men. Seeing a similar pattern, the number of women attendees was much higher than that of man in drama paint courses. Painting courses were the next best classes with 30 women and 25 men. There were 20 women attended to drama courses, doubled than that of man. Sculpture course shown an opposite pattern with the figure for female was slower than men about 5 people.

People aged 50 or above headed the list in all polled ages, nearly a half of people attending courses, ahead of ages from 40 to 49 at 26%. Aged from 20 to 39 came to third at 16% and 11% of people voted, respectively. People aged under 20 was the least popular ages voted by 5%.

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