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Bar chart

The bar chart demonstrates the timing of phone calls in three aspects: Local – fixed line, National and International – fixed line and mobiles (all call) starting from 1995 to 2002.

As clearly illustrated in the graph, the number of minutes by National and international – fixed line and Mobiles revealed a significant upward trend. However, the Local – fixed line was still dominant among the three, although it saw a volatility throughout this period.

Considering the noticeable plunge, the Mobiles rocketed above 9 times after 7 years from approximately 5% to 45%. The same pattern can be seen for the National and international – fixed line, which showed a twofold increase in this time.

The local – fixed line rose moderately and hit the peak at 90 billion minutes in 1999, followed by a steady decrease afterward. Throughout this period, it was still viable most for consumers, which was used approximately 72% and 73% billion minutes in 1995 and 2002 respectively.

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