Nowadays, students are exposed too much phone usage within class settings.
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Truth be told, students have been having the habit of wasting learning time on using phone in the modern classroom. Althought there will undoubltedly be some alarm issue of this phenomena, authorities can take steps to mitigate these potential problems. 

When using the phone in class becomes increasingly popular, several related problems can be anticipated. Viewed from the angles of students who directly are affected by this trend, there will obviously be lack of concentrate on the lessons which they should have been all into. That wouldlead to the poor in the quantity of knowledge assimilated by learners. Therefore, their academic achievement would certainly be quite lower than it is supposed to be. Furthermore, this matter also significantly impact on the lecturer in the school room. In specific, the less attention on the speech, the less enthusiastic the teacher would be. It find easy to realize the loss of inspiration through the unthoughtful preparation for the lession and the shortage of study materials handed out for students. 

There are several actions that the the head of the institution could take to solve the problems describe above. Firstly, the simple solution would be to increase the quantity of the task in the lesson. It is not also helping minimize the idle time in studying but also raise the interaction between pupils. The lecturers should built the class in which allows students to coordinate their studies as part of group work, it is expected to make the lesson less teacher-led and more autonomous learning. Finally, the teachers ought to actively supplement with more media and illustration to drive more attention of pupils to the speech. 

In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to develop into a kind of bad habit. 


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