Space exploration is much too expensive and the money should be spent on more important things. To what extent do you agree, or disagree?
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There has been an argument about whether the world is allocating too much money on exploring space while many other problems still need a large quantity of cash to deal with. However, I strongly disagree with this statement and the following essay will hand out some reasons for my disapproval.

   Looking back on the past decades when we could not do any research on space exploration because of insufficient finances, so people used to be under the shortsighted thoughts like our planet is the center of everything or the Earth is flat. Therefore, while we today can afford the cost of studies and experiments about the universe, why we should overlook it and take other issues into account. Moreover, in fact, space missions only take up a few percentages of the world’s budget, they are even cheaper than the pointless presidential campaign happening every year.

   Besides, we have also benefited a lot from launched space programs. There is an irrefutable fact that most technological breakthroughs we take for granted these days were mostly derived from our accomplishments in space exploration. To illustrate, without satellites, we would not be able to approach up-to-minute news or warn people about upcoming natural disasters. Furthermore, space research has considerably broadened our horizons that open the door to a deeper adventure into the universe, which is believed to be a promising future for the entire human race.

   In conclusion, attainments in the field of space research make a great contribution to our development but it does not mean we can overlook other social problems. Everything should be balanced for the overall improvement of humankind civilizations.
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