Đề thi ielst writing task 1 ngay 4/11/2020: The table give information about five types vehicles registered in Australia in 2010,2012,2014.
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Đề thi ielst writing task 1 ngay 4/11/2020: The table give information about five types vehicles registered in Australia in 2010,2012,2014.(https://tailieuhoctienganh.net/tong-hop-de-thi-ielts-writing-task-1-2-nam-2020-kem-goi-y.html)

The given table compared figures for five different froms of transport registered in Australia in the years 2010, 2012 and 2014.

overall, the numbers of vehicles in Australia registered rose over the four year period. Furthermore, passenger vehicles was the highest of five types of transport.

From 2010 to 2014, the numbers of passengers vehicles registered rose gradually from 11,800,000 to 13,000,000 registations, followed by commercial vehicles with figures growing from 2,300,000 to 2,700,00 registrations in Australia.Although motorcycles registered less than two vehicles above , just under 800,000 registrations, there was the greatest percentage of change at 30.8%, compared to 17.4 % for commercial and 10.2% for passenger vehicles between 2010 and 2014 in Australia.

For the remaining vehicles, heavy trucks  were registered in Astralia higher than light trucks between the years 2010 and 2014.  while there was an moderate increase in the number of registered heavy trucks  by around 32,000 vehicles, the figures for light trucks was slightly lower, by about 25,000 vehicles. The respective percentages of changes of light and heavy trucks were at 23.5% and 8,3% over the period shown.

Minh xin cam on moi nguoi truoc nha, mong nhan duoc su gop y cua moi nguoi. Minh khong biet minh se dat duoc band 7 hay khong mong moi nguoi gop y giup minh voi. Minh xin chan thanh cam on moi nguoi nha.
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