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In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that this is the responsibility of governments to solve the problem. What extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, we have witnessed a considerable increase in children getting stuck with dietary problems, particurlarly obesity and overweight ones. In this case, several people think that governments must be responsible for addressing those issues as they are powerful enough to take actions and force others follow their guide. But in my opinion, goverments just can influence partly on young generation and I disagree this whole responsibility has belonged to them.

First of all, it is undeniale that governments have been able to make several significant contributions to dietary problems of residents. Through some strict legislations, they can probably reduce excessive consumtion of unhealthy food such as fast food, soft beverages, fried-food…by focusing more on products’ quality testing stage. Besides, the authority is advisable to organise more outdoor programs for teenagers because those activities is not only help students keep in good shape, build up their resistance to diseases but also is the wonderful way for them to put their knowledge into practice as well as strengthen the bonds among adolescents. Morever, raising public awareness is also play a necessary role in reducing the high rate of overweight and unhealthy children. For example, by disseminating about the consequences of overeating sweetened and pre-processed food, the benefits of staying healthy and avoiding sedentary lifestyles, the government also can encourage the young to pay more attention on what they eat and how much amount of food they consume, too.

On the other hand, although we cannot deny that the authority has played an important role, other factors also make indispensable contributions to face up with these problems. When it comes to each individuals, they have to study how to enhance their physical and mental health because it is themselves that is the first factor suffered from severe health problems of overweight problems like blood pressure or diabetes. Therefore, they must attach more imortance on dietary requiments and do more physical exercises for the sake of themselves. In addition, a variety of concerted actions between families and schools will be a great tool to encourage each individual summon up with determination for breaking bad habits and get back into good shape. During that change, their beloved ones and friends will become their pillar of support, always standing by and encouraging them better and better.

In conclusion, we have to acknowledge that overweight in children have become more and more serious, however, this issue still can be handled and addressed by the harmonious coordination of many factors including governments, individuals, families, schools and society.

Cảm ơn mng rất nhiều vì đã đọc hết ạ. Nếu có vấn đề gì thì mình thực sự hy vọng mng sẽ góp ý thẳng thắn và nhiệt tình. Many thanksss <3
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In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that this is the responsibility of governments to solve the problem. What extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, we have witnessed a considerable increase in children getting stuck with dietary problems, particurlarly obesity and overweight ones. In this caseWhile several people think that governments must be responsible for addressing those issues as they are powerful enough to take actions and force others follow their guide,  But in my opinion, goverments just can influence partly on young generation and I partly disagree this whole responsibility has belonged to them.with the idea and will give my reasons below:

First of all, it is undeniable that governments have been are able to make several significant contributions to dietary problems of residents minimize the risk of childhood obesity. Through some strict legislations, they can probably reduce excessive consumtion of unhealthy food such as fast food, soft beverages, fried-food…by focusing more on products’ quality testing stage. Besides, the authorities are advisable to organise more outdoor programs for teenagers because those activities is not only helps students keep in good shape, build up their resistance to diseases but also is the wonderful way for them to put their knowledge into practice as well as strengthen the bonds among adolescents. Morever, raising public awareness is also plays a necessary role in reducing the high rate of overweight and unhealthy children. For example, by disseminating about the consequences of overeating sweetened and pre-processed food,  the benefits of staying healthy and avoiding sedentary lifestyle, the governments can encourage the young to have an active diet and avoiding sedentary lifestyle pay more attention on what they eat and how much amount of food they consume, too.

On the other hand, although we cannot deny that the authority has played an important role, other factors  also make indispensable contributions to face up with these problems. When it comes to each individuals, they To begin with, offsprings have to study how to enhance their physical and mental health because it is themselves that is the first factor so as not to suffered from severe health problems of overweight problems like blood pressure or diabetes. Therefore, they must should attach more imortance on dietary requiments have a balanced diet and do more physical exercises for the their own sake of themselves. In addition, a variety of concerted actions between families and schools will be a great tool to encourage each individual summon up with determination for breaking bad habits and get back into good shape. During that change, their beloved ones and friends will become their pillar of support, always standing by and encouraging them better and better.

In conclusion, we have to acknowledge that overweightness in children have become more and more serious a rising problem in modern society, however, I believe that this issue still can be handled and addressed by the harmonious coordination of many factors including governments, individuals, families,and schools.


Note: ý kiến cá nhân mình thôi nha.

Bài bạn viết hay lắm.

Nhưng mà mình nghĩ là individual should change the bad habits ấy, nó không thuyết phục lắm, vì đối tượng ở đây là children, nên mình thấy factor 1 là schools thì hợp lí hơn.

Đó là mình nghĩ thế thui nhe

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Mình sẽ cố gắng sửa mấy lỗi ngữ pháp và dùng từ. Cám ơn bạn nhìu nhennn <3

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