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Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, others think that zoos are useful to protect rare animals. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Accompanied with the advancement and the innovation of entertainment field, zoos have been one of the most widespread activities aimed to entertain. It is supposed that those places are too cruel to be opened, while others support the idea that those ones at least play an important role in defending endangered wild species. In this essay, we will analyse both sides of this issue and from my perspective, the first notion is in my favor.

On the one hand, building zoos protect rare animals from being extinct. In terms of the current hunting status and the illegal deforestation, green houses of every wild species are disappearing constantly. Thus, thanks to the establishment of the second artificial houses, the animals eventually have a place to live while having nowhere elso to go. In addition, the service of the zoos meets demands of those endangered species. The managers of those places make all their effort to make places as similar as forests. Accordingly, animals can feel as though they were at their green houses. Moreover, the zoologists also inquire the nutritious fare of each kind of species and feed them the same fare as their state in the forests, so that they could maintain their healthy lives.

On the other hand, zoos also have it dark sides, particularly with regard to the fact they have deprived the freedom of the wild animals. Being forced to adapt to live in a place much smaller than their vast green house, that state makes those endangered species feel uncomfortable. Thanks to that feeling, they can become aggressive and try to attack anyone near them so as to get out of the zoos. Additionally, due to the purpose of entertaining, zoos are always packed with people and this is also a very bad signal. The species are not used to being observed and being fed by humans, they will become indeed wild animals and be able to risk anybody’s life. Finally, despite of being serviced with the nutritious fare, without the shadow of doubt, it is indisputable that animals preder running and hunting on their own to lying still and doing nothing. Therefore, those feelings combine the annoyment of the species and they can become hazardous to humans and even themselves.

All things considered, that zoos are useful or cruel depends on each person’s perception. In my standpoint, I think that zoos should not be opened due to its deprivation of the freedom from animals and the governments should have some plausible solutions to mitigate this issue in order to give the species the life they want.


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1. You wrote: Accompanied with the advancement and the innovation of e...

Feedback: The usual collocation for "accompany" is "by," not "with." It is better to say this: "Accompanied by".

Error type: Collocation error

Suggestion: Accompanied by

2. You wrote: ...ned, while others support the idea that those ones at least play an important role in defe...

Suggestion: those

3. You wrote: ...ve a place to live while having nowhere elso to go. In addition, the service of the ...

Suggestion: also

4. You wrote: ...ves. On the other hand, zoos also have it dark sides, particularly with regard to the ...

Feedback: A sentence without a verb is called a fragment. Please, verify.

Error type: Fragment problem

5. You wrote: ...sive and try to attack anyone near them so as to get out of the zoos. Additionally, due ...

Suggestion: to

6. You wrote: ...e able to risk anybody’s life. Finally, despite of being serviced with the nutritious fare...
Suggestion: despite

7. You wrote: ... doubt, it is indisputable that animals preder running and hunting on their own to lyi...

Suggestion: prefer

8. You wrote: .... Therefore, those feelings combine the annoyment of the species and they can become haza...

Suggestion: enjoyment, annulment

9. You wrote: ...e feelings combine the annoyment of the species and they can become hazardous to humans and...

Suggestion: species, and

10. You wrote: ... even themselves. All things considered, that zoos are useful or cruel depends on eac...

Suggestion: considered that

11. You wrote: ...not be opened due to its deprivation of the freedom from animals and the government...

Error type: Article and uncountable noun error

Suggestion: freedom
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