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As languages such as English, Spanish and Mandarin become widely spoken, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out. Some countries have taken steps to protect minority languages.

What is your view of this practice?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.


Some languages consist of English, Spanish and Mandarin, which have been speaking worldwide, driving to the mass concern that many minority languages are in the edge of extinction. Individually, I support the idea that the disappearance of less renowned languages is impossible, therefore, it is necessarily that nations or institution have made effort to preserve their own communication tools.

There is a wide range of reasons why people keep communicating by their own languages, instead of letting it no longer exist. Firstly, in some poor countries they do not have opportunities to approach global languages, in fact, foreigner’ languages courses instantly cost a massive budget and the majority of families in there, they could not afford it. Without any doubt, having other methods for learners, such as making friends with native speakers or studying on the internet, which seem much more affordable. At the first glance, those methods are wise and satisfactory, however, ironically, learners still have been struggling with global languages, for examples, making friend with a person who has completely different culture or community is so complicated and it is much more impossible when speaking with another language. Secondly, there are some countries such as Japan or China, they are aware that those international languages such as English or Spanish, which are a tool for communication or business.

In term of the preservation of the minority of languages, throughout the humankind’s history, there are some small community, where people using some unofficial languages, but there are some explanations why those people still use and protect them. The main reason which is they need a language due to communicate with each other, because communication is the fundamental activity between all humankind. In addition, when governments want to preserve those minority languages not only for communication purposes, but also about the diversity of the culture, which is able to make a lucrative income for the country.

To sum up, due to the globalization people need the same languages to connect, on the other hand we need to preserve minority as national treasure for those countries.         


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Some languages consist of English, Spanish and Mandarin, which have been speaking worldwide, driving to the mass concern that many minority languages are in on the edge of extinction. Individually, I support the idea that the disappearance of less renowned languages is impossible, therefore, it is necessarily necessary that nations or institutions have made effort to preserve their own communication tools.

There is a wide range of reasons why people keep communicating by their own languages, instead of letting it no longer exist (câu này bị lỗi word choice, mình nghĩ vậy) Firstly, in some poor countries they do not have opportunities to approach global languages, in fact, foreigners’ languages courses instantly cost a massive budget and (-> so ) the majority of families in there, they could not afford it. Without any doubt, having other methods for learners, such as making friends with native speakers or studying on the internet, which seem much more affordable. At the first glance, those methods are wise and satisfactory, however, ironically (từ này hơi thừa) learners still have been struggling with global languages (nên paraphase để đa dạng hơn, suggest : international languages), for examples (bỏ s), making friend with (nên paraphase, suggest : có thể dùng phrase "become someone's company") a person who has completely different culture or community is so complicated (nếu bạn dùng "so" phải có mệnh đề that đằng sau) and it is much more impossible when speaking with another language.  

( suggest : .... so complicated that it makes commucation between two different language is impossible)

Secondly, there are some countries such as Japan or China, they are aware that those international languages such as English or Spanish, which are a tool for communication or business.

Phần first idea và second idea của bạn không cân bằng với nhau, có thể bạn nên bỏ đoạn "secondly" đi và khai thác 1 main idea cũng được, hoặc bạn phải viết lại (hoặc lượt bớt) để cân bằng. Vì second idea của bạn mới có general statement chứ chưa có evidence và examples như first idea.


In term of the preservation of the minority of languages (minority languages), throughout the humankind’s history, there are some small community, where people using (-> are using ) some unofficial languages, but there are some explanations why those people still use and protect them. The main reason which  is they need a language due to communicate with each other (suggest : it must have a connection in communication with each other; hoặc they need to have a similar means of communication) because communication (có thể dùng "it" để tránh lặp từ) is the fundamental activity between all humankind. In addition, when  governments want to preserve those minority languages not only for communication purposes, but also about the diversity of the culture, which is able to make a lucrative income for the country. (những chỗ mình highlight ở câu này chưa có sự kết nối, suggest : bỏ when và thêm in order to đằng trước not only)

To sum up, due to the globalization people need the same languages to connect, on the other hand we need to preserve minority as national treasure  (tại sao lại bảo tồn "một số lượng nhỏ" như là một báu vật quốc gia ? cái gì minority ? hơi khó hiểu) for those countries.         

  P/s : Bài sửa trên đây dựa trên kinh nghiệm cá nhân, nếu có sai sót hoặc gây khó hiểu, mong bạn reply để chúng ta thảo luận. Chúc bạn học tốt :3 !

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