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Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed if they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others, however, believe that this is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Practices and customs are unique in the way they represent a region’s features or characteristics. These days, many people choose tourism as a way to preserve those traditions. The others claim that earning money from such kind of alleged preservation is only leading to the destruction of them later on. In my opinion, tourism industry have probably lost its control and making these valuable traditions gradually disappear.

On the one hand, globalization is happening at a rapid pace, hence resulting in people living in a multicultural environment. In particular, the growing flexibility to travel helps people to easily exchange cultures from diversified corners in the world. Therefore, it is true to maintain that tourism connects people from different backgrounds and helps to spread their traditions to others as a way to remind them of such age-old yet unique practices.

On the other hand, saving the cultures based on tourism has becoming a pretext for human beings’ business. Making a profusion of money from cultural attractions has probably sparked senses of greed and consequently motivated people to solely focus on money-earning instead of truly care about cultures preservations. In addition, the increasingly growing number of tourism companies could result in lower quality. And for the fact that those companies are doing their job simply out of making money, they may not even care whether people coming to see those attractions with a view to get a broader knowledge of their authentic vitality and seeking strategies to keep them from disappearing or just out of curiosity and satisfy their demands for show-off in social medias.

In conclusion, tourism, to some extent, could help to spread the cultures to different regions on a global scale. However, I personally disapproved of the over-reliance on tourism to make profits and using it under the pretext of saving the cultural traditions.
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Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed if they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others, however, believe that this is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Practices and customs are unique in the way they represent a region’s features or characteristics. These days, many people choose tourism as a way to preserve those traditions. The others claim that earning money from such kind of alleged preservation is only leading to the destruction of them later on. In my opinion, tourism industry have probably lost its control and making (made, đang chia thì htht ?) these valuable traditions gradually disappear.

On the one hand, globalization is happening at a rapid pace, hence resulting in people living in a multicultural environment. In particular, the growing flexibility to travel (in travelling) helps people to easily exchange cultures from diversified corners in the world. Therefore, it is true to maintain that tourism connects people from different backgrounds and helps to spread their traditions to others as a way to remind them of such age-old yet unique practices.

On the other hand, saving the cultures based on tourism has becoming a pretext for human beings’ business. Making a profusion of money from cultural attractions has probably sparked senses of greed and consequently motivated people to solely focus on money-earning instead of truly care about cultures preservations. In addition, the increasingly growing number of tourism companies could result in lower quality. And for the fact that those companies are doing their job simply out of making money, they may not even care whether people coming to see those attractions with a view to get (of getting) a broader knowledge of their authentic vitality and seeking strategies to keep them from disappearing or just (being) out of curiosity and satisfy (chia ving) their demands for show-off in social medias.

In conclusion, tourism, to some extent, could help to spread the cultures to different regions on a global scale. However, I personally disapproved of the over-reliance on tourism to make profits and using it under the pretext of saving the cultural traditions.

Mình cũng không ổn cho lắm nên nếu chữa cho bạn sai thì mình xin lỗi nhé... :D 

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